Alyssa's pov
Holy shit am I fricken nervous. Today is the day I finally get to do a duet with Austin. I'm a nervous wreck because I have know idea if they know in pregnant. And once they see me they may not want me to do the song with Austin anymore.
After an hour of getting ready I quickly as I could got in my car and drove to the address that Austin's manager texted me. The car ride there I practiced my singing. My voice sounded better than usual today, so I hope that it will last for the rest of the day.
The drive wasn't that long about half an hour. As I was about to enter I got a text and it was from JC.
JC~ Hey babe hope u do great today good luck from all of us and I love u
I didn't replie back because I was running kind of late so I kind of needed to get a move on things.
As I entered the studio it was like nothing I have ever seen before. It was huge I could definitely get lost in here.
I was taken out of my thoughts by someone tapping me on the shoulder.
"Excuse me you must be Alyssa Page right?" the man asked
"And you are?" I asked
"Oh how rude of me I'm Austin's manager, and we are so happy to have you here Austin especially. " he told me
"Really" I asked a little shocked
"Really sweetheart" he said guiding me to another room which I'm assuming were Austin was at.
When we entered there he was sitting in a chair his back to me listening to something through his headphones. He was even cuter in person.
"AUSTIN" his manager shouted to get his attention. Austin took the headphones off and turned to us. And when he saw me his face lit up like a Christmas tree, and I have no clue why.
"Hi Alyssa, I've been waiting for you to come to do the song together" he said he sounded nervous, but why its just some random girl you posts videos on YouTube.
"I'm really excited and I can't wait to do the song" I said with a big smile
"Ok well here are the lyrics you can read over them and once you think your ready just tell me and we can start the song." Austin said with a smile man his smile was amazing it reminded me of JC but Cameron's as well. I shook off the felling and began to look over my lines.
The lyrics were beautiful and I just loved the song.
**Austin and Alyssa just finished recording the song**
"You were amazing Austin" I said taking off the headphones and looking over at Austin him doing the same.
"I think you were the amazing one Lis you hit every note on key" Austin said
"Well thanks but can I ask you a serious question"
"Ya shoot" Austin said
"Why me" I aked
"Why you what" Austin asked and you could tell he was confused.
"Why did y'all puck me to do this song when I'm just a nobody, there are so many other famous artist out there that would of loved to do this with you Austin. So wht did you pick someone no one knows about. " I finished
"Well for starters your not a nobody everyone who owns a computer practically knows you, and your amazing voice. And the reason I picked you is because I want to see you make it big, because your starting off just as I did. Posting little covers and your original songs on YouTube." Austin said and I could tell by the tone in his voice he meant what he said.
"That means a lot Austin" I said hugging him
"No problem Lis" he said hugging me back.
As we pulled away from the hug Austin's face changed in a matter of seconds.
"Lis" he said shocked looking down at my wrist. My bare wrists. No bracelets.
**Authors Note**
ok so I totally lied I'm not going to update when I hit 2k I'm going to update whenever I want and bam y'all got a double update tonight. And yes I left y'all at a cliffhanger haven't done that in a while I think. but ya what do ut think Austin is going to do seeing Alyssa's scars. And do u guys think Austin has crush on Alyssa leave a comment. But thank y'all so much I luv u stay fabulous. And expect another update tonight maybe idk. but thx again for the reads tell your friends vote comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social media's
instagram @AlyssaPage_
Twitter @AlyssaPage_
kik lyssadallas11

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**
FanfictionLove doesn't last forever It was all a mistake One more cut Bye world This is a story about a girl named Alyssa. her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle in California. Her aunt and uncle are clueless of what she is going thro...