Song to listen to Not gonna die By: Skillet
There's so many things to do and say. But I can't seem to find the way. But I want to know how. I know I'm meant for something else. But first I've got to find myself. But I don't know how. Oh why. Do I reach for the stars. When I don't have wings. That carry me that far. Gotta have roots before branches to know who I am. Before I know who I want to be.
My alarm on my phone went for to the song Roots before Branches by: Room for two. When I opened my eyes I felt like I needed to cry, and that was because today is Monday which means going to school, witch also means getting bullied. I wonder what they were going to do to me today. After just sitting in my bed for a good 5 minuets doing nothing I got up and went to go get changed. I put my usual on blue skinney jeans, black lacey top and my convers. I also put on black biker gloves, and my black beanie. I did my make up, brushed my teeth. And headed down stairs I decided to skip breakfast today, because I wasn't really that hungry
"Hun you better get going you will be late for school" my aunt said
"Oh shit your right" I responded
"Hey watch the mouth" she said back in a stern tone
"Sorry" I said already running back up to my room to get my phone and book bag
As I got up there I saw my phone light up and it was a text from Cameron
Cameron is a sexy beast
C~ Morning beautiful, hope you have a good day I love you.
A~ Morning Cam, and I know you love me and I love you to.
C~ I'll pick you up after school ok
A~ Sounds like a plan
Since Cameron was picking me up after school there was no use in driving my car so I decided to walk. The school is about a 10 minuet walk so not that bad. As I was walking down the street I had my head phones minding my own business until I heard my name being shouted. I regret looking up because as soon as soon as I turned my head I got hit in the face with a drink. It splattered all over me. It was Myla, Cat,Nelly, and a couple guys from the football team in a car.
"Bam made it in the trash can" Myla shouted from the window
"You didn't make it in the trash can you hit me" I shouted back
"Dah your the trash can I was aiming for you. God your so stupid" She said back in her snotty voice, and they drove off
As they drove off I held up my middle fingers and shouted "Bitches" then picked up the cup and threw it at there car. I finally ,made it to school and quickly ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up, it was mostly dry now but still noticeable. After I finished cleaning myself up I walked out of the bathroom, and all eyes were on me. Nothing different but what they whispered to each other was not was I expecting. Usually it's about how I'm fat ugly a slut or whore. But nope today they were saying "Her boyfriend is fake."
"She photo shopped those pics."
"She just wants attention, Attention seeking whore."
Again can't believe that people say this stuff and they say it loud enough for me to hear. The bell rang and I made my way to first period English. Took my seat in the back of the class away from everyone else. The class started to fill, and the teacher came in. "Good morning student's" she boasted in a way too happy tone.

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**
FanfictionLove doesn't last forever It was all a mistake One more cut Bye world This is a story about a girl named Alyssa. her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle in California. Her aunt and uncle are clueless of what she is going thro...