{Chapter 34}

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Alyssa's pov


After I woke up from that nightmare I couldn't fall back asleep even if it was 4 in the morning. Cam fell back asleep after I calmed down a bit. All theses thoughts kept running through my mind.

How did she know about Dalanie

How did she find us

Why did she take her

I knew she hated me because I was with Cam, and I knew she wanted to get back at me for it. But did she really need to take my child.

I couldn't take it anymore I needed to clear my mind. I decided to go walk around the hotel for a bit, I grabbed my black converse and my gray skull hoodie. I put the room key and my phone in my pocket and left.

I didn't know exactly where I was going but somehow I ended up in the stair case.

I made it all the way up to the roof a perfect place to just think and clear my mind. I walked over to the edge and sat down. Looking over the city it was peaceful.

Then I started to get flash backs.

"I'm done I can't do this anymore" I said to myself

I stood on my school's roof and looked down at everyone who was just watching me. I was gonna jump to end it none of them would of cared, in fact they wanted me gone.

They made a circle of people so I would land right in the middle of them. Some were smiling, others just had looks of discuss. Meanwhile I had tears pouring down my face.

This is it I thought. The tip of my feet at the very edge.

"Just do it already" one screamed from down below

But I couldn't do it I backed away from the edge and ran home.

**End of falshback**

To this day I still don't know what came over me that made me back up and not jump.

Some days I believe that I was meant to be here, I look were I am now. A major singer song writer. A mother of beautiful girl, and I have the best boyfriend ever. He saved me.

But really look at me now, scars still there, my child is missing, Cam has know idea what I'm thinking about right now. Here I am 2 years later in the same position as I was then standing on a roof wishing to be gone.

I have nothing to live for Dalanie is gone, and I want to be with her.

I looked over the edge its a far drop.

All of a sudden I feel a force push me. I scream but I didn't fall they grabbed my arm and had me grab onto the side.

I looked up and saw Kayla with a smirk on her face.

"K-Kayla" I said with wide eyes

"It's me bitch. Miss me" She said before stomping on my hand. I didn't let go but hurt like a mother fucker

"Why are you here, why are you doing this?" I asked getting angrier by the second

"Wow your stupider than I thought. I came here to get what I wanted, and what I want is Cameron." she yelled in my face

"Cameron would never love a whore" I stated back, but it just made her angrier

"Listen here." she yelled while lifting me up my hair while I was still dangling over the side

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now