joey? JOEY!

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chapter 5:

*skipping the past few days in the hospital*


today's the day I'm able to go from the hospital

i haven't talked to Joey through these past few days

i miss him he hasn't posted any videos lately there must be something wrong i decided to call him

ring ring ring

joeys voice mail:

hey sorry i didn't answer i will try to call back as soon as possible bye

i hung up i felt so worried i sat down in the waiting room were the exit was i was waiting for Callie to pick me she went to get the car so i didn't have to walk that much my head still hurt a bit

i thought and thought how can i reach him i don't know where he lives

who is his closest friend that i can reach! MEGHAN

i have her number i quickly dialed Meghan's number

Meghan: "hello?"

Liana: "hi its Liana"

Meghan: "oh hey whats up"

Liana: " I'm just wondering if you know what happened to joey?"

Meghan: " what do mean Liana!" she said surprised

Liana: "he hasn't been answering his phone!"

Meghan: "oh i hope not!"

Liana: "can you just tell me his address"

Meghan " yes of course! .. " she said telling me his address

Liana: " okay thanks Meghan"

Meghan: "your welcome well i have to go do somethings"

Liana: "oh okay well bye Meghan"

Meghan: "bye" she said hanging up the phone

as soon as she hung up i saw Callie waiting in the car honking

"lets go Liana!" she said yelling through the car window

"I'm coming!" i said grabbing the luggage i had

as i set all the luggage int he trunk on the car i got a text message i saw it was from Meghan

have you checked on joey yet?

i replied with: no I'm about to

she replied: ok let me know when you do :)

after i loaded and finished i closed the trunk and went inside the car in the passengers seat

"lets go home!" she said driving back to our apartment

"wohoo!" i said fist bumping in the air

i turned on the radio and starting singing along

once we got to put apartment we unloaded the trunk and went inside

"I'm hungry are you?" Callie asked

"no, not really"

"ok ill just make a sandwich or something" she said heading into the kitchen

"oh i actually have to go the store to get some things" i said lieing i actually was going to joeys house or apartment to see if anythings wrong

i drove to his apartment i walked to apartment

the door was open not all the way but it was open

i came in and i saw a mess everywhere

i yelled out "joey?"

no answer.

i walked into the kitchen to see a drawer open

i looked inside to see there were knifes every shape and size

"no, no.. NO!" i said

i looked around nervously i saw a staircase i went up to see rooms

i ran to see a room with an locked door

i tried to open it i just couldnt.

"joey. JOEY!"

i kicked the door open i looked around no one just a messy room

i saw a bathroom i ran the door was locked

i heard crying.

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