the other person who knows.

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chapter 26!

me and sergio have talked for a bit until i got a message from callie saying that she needed me to come home cause it was emergency

right when liana was almost out the door she knew she didnt have a car because of course callie had driven her so she paused then went on her way to her house where she didnt know where that was actually

she would ask sergio for a ride but she was just feel selfish she had done much to many things to sergio

the memory of yesturday kept playing back in her head

"liana why?!"

tears streaming down my face and i was also in pain

why. why did joey have to grab her wrist then find out about her cutting

she wasnt fine about this at all

i became all of the sudden upset

i was crying.

i pulled my sleeve down and saw the redness on my wrist

she ran her finger down

winced in pain

she sat down in the middle of the sidewalk and began bawling her eyes out


she heard in the distance

she heard a cars engine too but she didnt care at the moment for whom was calling her name

"liana are you okay?"

she felt someones hand touch her shoulder she turned around and saw sergio.

"liana. liana talk to me please"

"i-i-" but that was the only thing that came out

nothing more, nothing less.

sergios eyes searched lianas body until his eyes widened at a certain spot

her wrist.

(what if i stopped here would you hate me? 😂)

(im not gonna do that ill keep going :)

he didnt say a word but he embraced her in a tightening hug while liana cried into his chest

sergio felt bad for her of course he was just curious of why she would do such a thing like that

when he met her she seemed perfectly fine.

"sergio i dont want to live anymore." liana said letting go of his hug and having her eyes closed

"why would you say that?" be questioned

"many thing have happened horribly to me and i just dont want to go through it again i have done it way to many times."

"liana people care about you i may not have known you for long but i care about you."

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