the reaction

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chapter 21


i was nervous i felt my hands sweating

what if she regrets?

what is she hates me?

all these questions were coming though my mind it made me more nervous then i already am

i heard faint voices in the background there were female voices i could hear there conversation enough that i could hear it but barely

"callie take your disgusting hands off of me!"

it was them callie and liana

i dont want to do this anymore im so nervous ahhh

"no liana not until you were there"

"what so special that you have to cover my eyes"

they were coming closer i made sure everything was in place and perfect.

finally they were hear and trust me when they were i swore felt sweat run down my face

"okay liana im gonna uncover your eyes in 3...2...1!"

she removed her face if lianas face her eyes were closed

"finally callie i swear i was gonna become bli-" she saw me

"hi" i said nervously

her mouthed dropped open.

uh oh.

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