all my fault

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chapter 30:

liana didnt know what to thinking it was her fault.

liana spent the whole day crying knowing it was her fault that she caused this

she had to stay strong, for joey.

she grabbed his vlog camera that was surprisingly in his jeans pocket

she turned it on and bean to talk

"hi, you probably going exi out of this vlog once you see me, and i wouldnt blame you"

she sat down

"well im vlogging wow. havent done this in centuries. oh and sorry for the hideous face you can tell that i have been crying... and yes you can hate all you want. i deserve it. considering i-i"

she became studdering and having very watery eyes

"wow liana dont cry. okay let me say this this was all my fault. and i know it is. if i have never broken up with him he wouldnt be in this hospital fighting for his life"

she couldnt speak anymore she just began crying again

"im sorry that i am such a loser, worthless, stupid bitch who ruins everything she touches"

"it just goes that way. and it sucks" she mumbled

"well um heres an update ill update soon hopefully um bye"

she edited it and uploaded it on his channel.

many of his subscribers surprisingly good comments

and most kind of made her laugh saying "you didnt say may the odds be ever in your favor!"

she have to do t next time.if she remembers

as she set the tech down on the seat she stood up and stood next to joeys bed

holding his hand tight and saying "im sorry... im really am" closing her eyes to hide the tears

she felt her hand get tighter and a respond "i forgive you"

but when she opened her eyes in surprise, but all she saw was his body doing nothing but breathing as usual.

she mustve imagined it.

she let go of his hand and sat back down

and took a nap for awhile sense she hasnt really gotten any sleep when she stayed up all night waiting for him to wake up.


a loud beeeep sound woke her up

she blinked a couple times to clear her vision

she saw that the monitor that was attached to joey was maing the noise

he wasnt breathing

hes dieing HES DIEING! NO NO



doctors and nurses came rushing into the room attching him to all these wires

"ms. you going to have to leave"


"we will do the best we can." was the last thing she heard before she was locked out of the door

standing at the doorway, with tears streaming down her face

she sat down and pulled out the camera

and began to vlog

"hi. so well i have been executed from his room because well when i took a nap a beeping sound had awaken me and well it was showing that joey has stopped breathing. i dont know what they are doing right now but i hope that joey is alive right now."

"please pray for him right now. we all need him to stay alive."

she turned off the camera when the doctor came out with a blank expression on his face.

"im sorry to tell you this but he has passed away..."

a nurse came out and had a smiling face "doctor hes alive! hes alive!"

liana thanked the skies and begsn to get tears of joy

joeys alive.

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