Chapter three

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I was walking to Rebecca's house, I was still smiling like an idiot. I was wondering to myself, should I text back? So I did.. And it read

"Yeah looks like I'll have I take you up on that offer styles. Hopefully I didn't scare you too bad, let's get together soon? No drinking though. :)"

I walked up the stairs and into the entrance of Rebecca's house. I couldn't seem to find Rebecca, I looked in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, basement... nothing. Being as blonde as I was I walked right by a note she had wrote me a note saying "Dakota, went out with Liam again.. He's a fun one, I'll see you at 2 o'clock."

I decided to take a shower, after dancing and god what else knows what happened last night, I felt nasty. As I felt the warm water hit my body, I heard the door open. Rebecca had that fancy security system and it would say "Front door open" or whatever had opened.

I stepped out of the shower when I was done. I walked down the long staircase only in my towel, hoping to just see Rebecca and when I turned the corner I saw Rebecca, Liam and Harry standing around two boxes of pizza. I let out a little gasp and turned and walked away. More like ran away.

"Uh, Rebecca.. I'm gonna wear some of your clothes, is that okay?" I yelled as I ran away

"Yeah Dakota."

I grabbed her Victoria Secret yoga pants and her Hoodie Allen shirt. I loved Hoodie Allen. We went to a concert together and I got to meet him. I was so happy.

Walking down stairs was embarrassing for some reason.. Harry and I met eyes and I couldn't help but just get lost in them.

"Hi Dakota." Harry said happily.

"Hi Harry, couldn't wait to see me huh?" I chuckled while shaking my head.

"Yeah, I know Liam and Rebecca came back to the flat and invited me over, I didn't know you were gonna be here, but that's okay." Harry said obviously hiding a smile.

"Yeah" I said carelessly.

We spent hours upon hours laughing carelessly and smiling. Every time i'd look at Harry, he would be staring at me and I couldn't help but just smile and let the butterflies grow in my stomach. We decided to turn on a movie we watched "The Notebook" I was so surprised that Harry and Liam let us watch it. Rebecca and I were crying like little babies at the end. Harry and Liam just laughed..

"It's not funny Liam, it's actually so sad." Rebecca said wiping her tears.

"Love, it's pretty funny. You girls are crying over a movie." Liam laughed

"Seriously, you wanna cry over a movie watch 'The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas" you'll cry hard." Harry said

I loved learning about history about the concentration camps.

"Holy shit guys.. it's 2 in the morning.. Where did the time go? I'm tired.. Liam, are you and Harry staying here?"

"Are we mate?" Liam asked

"Only if Dakota will let me take her out on a date." Harry said

"What Harry? A date? Uh, I guess we could go to a movie and dinner, only as friends though." I said hoping that he would see that I wanted to be more than friends. And they did end up staying the night.

While Rebecca and Liam went outside to get some air, I thanked Harry for watching "The Notebook" with us, he asked why I had thanked him. I had to explain why, I explained that my ex- boyfriend Brady would never do anything like that with me.. And I told Harry all the horrible things he made me do.

"He would take advantage of me, he would hit me, I just could never get away." I said crying.

"Dakota, I'm so sorry. I would never do that to you love. You deserve the best." Harry said holding my hand

"Thank you Harry, I'm so glad that you believe that -" I was cut off.

I was cut off by Harry kissing me. And when he pulled away, I smiled.

"I've just really wanted to do that since I saw you." Harry said

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