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Aidan's POV
Last night was probably the first time I cried myself to sleep. Lance likes Paige, and she likes him. I really like her and it hurts me seeing her love someone else. "Hey Aidan." Ricardo greets me. "Oh, hi Rico." I say. He observes me. "Oh, I know what's going on. This is to do with Lance and Paige, right?" He says. I nod and he hugs me. I start crying. "Hey! It's okay! Are you and Haley still together?" He says. I shake my head. "She broke up with me last week." I wail. Lance walks in. "Aidan!" He runs over to me and tries comforting me, but it doesn't work. "You ruined my life Lance, don't come near me!" I run out to the bathroom.

I quickly dry my tears up and head off to breakfast. No one needs to know that I was crying, but unfortunately Lance and Ricardo know. I had my clothes with me, so I got changed in the bathroom. I walk out and head off to breakfast.

We all had to sit together for breakfast because we all have school and filming today. I sit next to Breanna, who sits next to Jade, who sits next to Paige, who sits next to Lance, who sits next to Ricardo. Tony later comes over. "Hey guys, what do you guys have first?" He asks. "Math." Paige says. "Okay, have fun guys and I'll see you on set." Tony walks away and Ricardo speaks up. "Who's excited for Japanese?" Everyone puts their hand up, but me. "Aidan?" Breanna says. "Mm?" I mumble. "Do you not like Japanese class?" Jade asks. "No. I do. I was just... Zoned out." I say looking down. "I really am not in the mood to go to science today." Jade says. Ricardo nods. "Who's excited to film a new season?" Lance says. "Me!" Paige squeals. He smiles at her and I get hit with a bunch of emotions. "What are you guys doing after school?" I ask. "I'm hanging with Jade." Ricardo says and they hug. "I'm going shopping with Paige." Breanna says. "Yeah, and then we're going to meet Lance at the arcade." Paige adds in. Ughh. "Well I'm going to the movies and then Starbucks." I say. We head off to class.

We all walk into math class and Ricardo sits in the second row, next to Sean Leo and Lyndsie. Jade sits right behind Ricardo in row three, next to Paige and Lance. Lance sits at the end of row three next to Jade. I sit next to Emily and Paige in the third row. Breanna sits in the fifth row, next to Adam and Ruby. Paige sits in the middle of row three, next to me and Jade. Thank goodness Paige and Lance aren't sitting next to each other, because they'll be all flirty. Cringe cringe. It should've been me and Paige. Anyway, our teacher walks in. "Good morning guys. Can anyone guess what we're learning today?" The teacher says. Everyone looks around the classroom and Mace puts his hand up. "Yes, Mace?" He points at Mace. "Area and perimeter?" He answers. "Correct!" Our teacher gives him a double thumbs up. "So today, we're learning area and perimeter of a rectangle, square and triangle. Does anyone know how to do perimeter on a square?" Sean Leo puts his hand up. "Yes, Sean?" "Don't you add all four sides?" He answers. "Yes. It's also like that with the rectangles. Next question, can anyone tell me about perimeter on a triangle?" He says. Paige puts her hand up next to me. "Paige?" "It's like the squares and rectangles, but you add three sides instead of four sides." She answers. I stare at her for ten seconds and then she looks at me. I look back up at the front. In the corner of my eye, I see Paige whisper something to Jade. "Class, does anyone know how to work out the area of a triangle, rectangle and square?" The teacher says. Lizzy puts her hand up. "Lizzy?" He says. "With the squares and rectangles, you times the base by the height." She answers. "Well done, Lizzy!" He says. "Now, what about triangles?" He says. Adam puts his hand up. "Adam?" The teacher says. "You half the base and times it with the height. Like if you got given a question where the base was six and the height was three, you'd half the six and turn the six into a three. Then you'd go 3x3=9." He explains. "Well done, Adam." We're going to work out some questions now. Maddie, can you help hand out the worksheets." He says. "Okay!" Maddie says cheerfully and gets up. She hands out the worksheets. As soon as I get mine, I put my headphones on and listen to Fairly Local by Twenty One Pilots. Such a catchy song! I was working with Emily, as she was having trouble answering the questions. Half an hour later, we were allowed free time, so me, Paige, Jade and Lance were taking turns on some computer game. Half an hour later, the bell rang. We all walked out of class and headed for Japanese.

We were walking to Japanese class but Paige was already there. She left math earlier. Ricardo sat in the second row, next to Ella and Sean Leo. Jade was sitting in the double desk seat with Adam on the right of the classroom. Lance was at the back of the classroom, sitting next to Kyla and Ashlee. I went to sit next to Haley and Paige in the fourth row. Breanna was sitting in the double seat with Benji on the left side of the classroom. Paige sat next to me and it was amazing! We were practicing our Hiragana and changing romaji to hiragana. It was amazing because Paige was helping me. She is so smart, especially in Japanese. She's the smartest in our class and has competed in many competitions, either for school stuff, modelling at fashion shows, photography contests, musical performance competitions, gymnastics and dance competitions. She is a really busy woman, but manages her timetable really well. After an hour of fun, it was interval. I walked to my locker and text the cast.

Hey guys.
Hey Aidan 😊
What are you guys doing at interval?
I'm studying for social studies.
Me and Sean are going to hang out.
Which one?
Leo 😒
Thailer and Mackenzie ditched me to hang out with each other. 😭
Oh no! You can hang out with me and Haley ❤️
Thanks 😊
Mr Finn
Omg, Lyndsie is hanging out with Miles 😂
Omg really? Just because he's hanging out with her, doesn't mean he's joining our show 😂
Me and Benji are studying for social studies too.
Yeah, so are me and Adam.
Me and Ruby are studying social studies as well. We should all study together.

{Time Skip}

Me, Haley and Paige head off to our social studies class, it is our last class before we go to lunch, and then filming. Ricardo sits in the second row, next to Kyla. Jade sits in the fourth row, next to Maddie and Mace. Lance sits in the double seat deal with Adam on the left side of the table. I sit in the fifth row, next to Lizzy and Aidan Gallagher. Breanna sits in the second row, next to Emily. Paige sits right at the back, with headphones on, next to Sean Leo and Ashlee. Our teacher was telling us about the 9/11 attacks for half an hour, then we had to work in pairs to come up with some information about it. We worked all the way until the bell, then we all left.

"Hey Breanna, wanna go to the skatepark after Starbucks?" Ricardo says to Breanna. "Sure!" They grab their skateboards and skate away. "Hey Jade." I hear someone say to Jade. We all turn around and see Miles. Ughh. "Oh, I'm, hi Miles." She says sarcastically. "What are you doing? Why aren't you coming to class?" He questions. "Because we're having an early lunch, and then we go film." She explains. "Oh, well, have fun!" He says. "Yeah. I got a newsflash for you, Miles. You're not going to be on our show if all your going to do is try to hang out with us constantly. Leave us alone!" Paige rants. We were all shocked. "Fine then. I'll just go to music..." He says and walks away. "I'm going to go to my dorm and I'll catch up with you guys on set." Lance said. "Okay, I'm going to go to my dorm too. I'll text you." Paige says. Ughh. I head back to the dorm with Lance, but I don't talk to him at all until we film. Lance kept getting messages from Paige and it was bothering me so badly. I don't get it. Why would she like him? He's three years older than her! I'm one year older than her!

Me and Lance walked to set in silence. When we get there, Paige runs up to Lance and hugs him. "Hey bestie!" They scream at the same time. We all get our hair done, then our makeup, and then we changed into our outfits. We headed to our classroom set and started filming.

{Time Skip}

That was day one of season six completed. It was amazing since Paige was there. I go back to my dorm with Ricardo and Lance. I go to sleep earlier because I cannot be bothered being awake anymore today.
{1609 words}

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