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3rd Person's POV
The Sun was peeping through the curtains, blinding the girls in their sleep. "Ugh, what time is it?" Breanna groans. "7:21am." Paige says, reading her phone. "We should probably start going if we want to see the boys before class." Jade says. "Yeah, and Paige, you have to bring your guitar to school and set today. It's our karaoke -- with the guitar -- night!" Breanna yells out excitedly.

The girls all head off to the bathroom to get their teeth brushed. They had music on and were dancing, badly may I add. The point of bathroom jam outs was that it was crazy. They were their for two minutes, and then they went back to the dorms.

The beds were really messy, so they made their beds. About five minutes later, they were finished. "Makeup time?" Paige looked at Jade. She nodded. Breanna sat down in Paige's makeup chair. "I don't want anything too obvious." She says. "Okay." Paige puts a bit of concealer on. She starts filling Breanna's eyebrows in, Paige stuffed up a few times but she managed to get it perfect after a few tries later. She started putting on some mascara. Breanna always looks so amazing. She puts on a lip gloss that's not really visible on her. Breanna looks at herself in the mirror. "Thanks Paige." She smiles and gets up. Jade sits down. "Just like yours, but with blush too, Paige." She says. "Okay." Paige puts foundation on her face. She starts filling out her eyebrows, which failed again but she managed again to make them perfect. She puts black eyeshadow on, not too dark but also not to light. She puts on the mascara and the eyeliner. She puts a slight pink blush on her checks. Finally. She puts a pink lipstick on. "Wow, thanks Paige!" She smiles whiling looking at herself in the mirror. Paige sits down in her makeup chair and does the same as Jade, except no blush and she's wearing red lipstick. They all got changed and walked to the cafe.

They got into the cafe and it smelt like coffee, bacon, pancakes and more amazing smells. "Should we just get a takeaway and go back to the dorm?" Paige asks the girls. They nod their head in agreement. "Three chocolate milkshakes please. Can you please delivery it to our dorm when it's ready?" Paige orders. "Sure, Paige. Was it room 217?" The waiter says. "Yes." She pays him and walks back to the girls. "Let's go." Paige motions them.

The girls got to the room and put season one, episode one of School of Rock on. About five minutes in, there's a knock on the door. Jade opens t and it was their milkshakes. The waiter comes inside and puts the tray on the coffee table. Everyone grabs their drinks. "Thank you." Jade says. The waiter leaves and the girls continue watching School of Rock. Everyone looked so little back then!

Paige's POV
I walk into math class, smiling and thinking of that episode. I can't believe Breanna was twelve in this, now she's seventeen. Aidan's eighteen, Jade and Lance are twenty and Ricardo is twenty one. I see Ricardo, yes they still have to attend school, sitting with Ella at the double desk on the left side of the classroom. Jade sat at the front of the classroom, next to Lance. Lance sat next to Mace and Jade. Aidan sat next to Ivan at the double desk on the right side of the classroom. Breanna sits in the second row, next to Sean Leo and Lyndsie. I took my seat in the third row, next to Benji. The teacher was talking about calculus the whole lesson. "We'll do working out on Monday." According to the teacher.

Breanna's POV
We walk into our science class after a very boring math class, learning about calculus. Ricardo took a seat right at the back of the classroom, next to Ashlee. Jade also takes a seat at the back of the classroom, next to Cree and Jace. Lance takes a seat in the third row, next to Kyla and Emily. Aidan also takes a seat in the third row, next to Emily. I took a seat in the second row, next to Lyndsie and Casey. Paige took a seat in the fourth row, next to Haley. "Good morning class, we're learning biology and you'll be dissecting a frog and its insides." The teacher says, bringing out a dead frog and the tools we'll use. Everyone groaned in disgust. I work with Lyndsie for this, she says she knows what she's doing.

Aidan's POV
I think I might have to go back to the dorm after that science class. I'll go to set but hopefully I won't be sick again. I sign out and go back to the dorm. I lie in bed and suddenly fall asleep.

Lance's POV
We go off to music class and we all wait inside. Our music teacher is away today, so we have the English teacher. The teacher explained some stuff first and then allowed us to get our computers out. We were in groups of four, so me, Ricardo, Jade and Paige were together. We were learning about Edgar Allen Poe. We shared our work when the bell went. "I'll send out your grades through email tomorrow." She says. At least our music teacher was our social studies teacher the other day...

Jade's POV
We were off to set! Our last filming day for today! I was kind of sad because this episode is so good! It was a special episode and it was to show bullies how words and actions can hurt. Basically my character, Summer, was being bullied because Kale turned everyone against her. So when she transfers classes and becomes a better singer, dancer, model, photographer and even an actress, the whole class realise that Kale is not a goodie two shoes, it's just an act. Everyone forgives her and accepts her back in the class, while Kale gets expelled for bullying. It goes for an hour, and I'm pretty sure everyone will love it!

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