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Paige's POV
It's Christmas! I wake up at 6:00am and head off to the dorms. Some of the stars were already here, yes, before six in the morning. Two hours later, the rest came over.

Cree was opening all her gifts from us.
Maddie brought her a beats Bluetooth speaker. "Omg, Mads! I love it so much!" She hugs Maddie and opens Benji's present next.
Benji brought her a giant makeup kit. "Wow, Benji. This is so generous of you!" She smiles at Benji. She opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas brought her a new blanket that was in the shape of a mermaid tail. "This is odd... I love it!" She kisses Thomas. She opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna brought her a new pair of dark blue denim jeans. "Omg Brea! I will so wear these a lot! And if people compliment me on my jeans, I'll say 'yeah thanks, my best friend Breanna Yde brought them for me!' Thank you Brea!" Everyone laughs and she hugs Breanna. She opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo brought her a new pair of earphones. "Thanks Rico." She smiles. She opens Jade's present next.
Jade brought her a piggy bank. "I know you're dying to save up for a trip to Paris so here you go to store all your money." Jade says. "Thank you Jade." She hugs Jade. She opens Lance's present next.
Lance brought her half a dozen makeup brushes, in unicorn color! "I love these Lance!" She screams. "Me and Benji were planning our gifts together, that's why." He says. "Thank you." She smiles. She opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan got her a white unicorn shape table light. "I love this so much, Aidan!" She screams and smiles at him. She opens my present next.
I got her a 18K gold plated unicorn ring. "This is so cute, Paige!" She screams while puts it on. "Yeah, its an 18K gold plated ring." I say. "Real gold?" Aidan questions. I nod. "This is my favorite gift!" She hugs me. Maddie starts opening her gifts now.
Cree got her a rainbow highlighter. "I love this. Thank you!" She hugs her. She opens Benji's present now.
Benji got her mermaid glitter. "You said you always wanted to be a mermaid, so here's a starter." He laughs. "Thank you!" She kisses him. Yes, they go out. She opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas got her half a dozen unicorn makeup brushes, the same as Lance gave Cree. "Wow, me and Cree have the same thing." She laughs and looks at Cree. Cree smiles at her. Maddie looks back at Thomas and smiles, "Thank you." She opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna got her the same as Benji. "It's not much help anymore thanks to Benji buying the same thing." She sighs. "No, no, no. This is great! More glitter! There's never too much glitter." Everyone laughs and she hugs Breanna. She opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo got her a pink tee with a tiny alien on it. "This is cute. I'll be wearing this a lot!" She smiles at Ricardo. She opens Jade's present next.
Jade got her new adidas leggings. "Thank you so much! I'll also be wearing these! My best friend Jade Pettyjohn brought these." She hugs Jade. She opens Lance's present next.
Lance got her a mini fridge. "It's so you can store food in it and have midnight snacks. I know you're always hungry." He says. Everyone laughs. "Thanks." She smiles at Lance. She opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan got her an instant camera. "Wow! Thank you so much, Aidan! I will definitely be taking a lot of photos with this." She smiles at him. She opens my present next.
I got Maddie a new iPhone 7+. "Wow! This is amazing! Be prepared to never speak to me again unless you're texting to me." Everyone laughs and we hug. Benji starts opening his gifts.
Cree brought him an instant camera, like what Aidan got Maddie but in a different color. "Thanks so much. There'll be a lot of photos on my Instagram now." He smiles at Cree. He opens Maddie's present next.
Maddie brought him a blue electric guitar. "Thank you so much! I'll need to get lessons from Lance now." He kisses Maddie. "Yes, definitely!" Lance yells. He opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas brought him a football. "Shot bro. We need to join a team sometime." He says. "Yes!" Thomas says. He opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna brought him a skateboard ramp. "Thanks Brea. We'll need to skateboard soon." He says. "Absolutely!" She smiles. He opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo got him a book about canons. "Wow, thanks." He says. He opens Jade's present next.
Jade got him a basketball hoop. "Thanks Jade. We'll need to shoot hoops sometime." He says. "Sure." She replies. He opens Lance's present next.
Lance brought him a blue scooter. "Wow, thanks." He says. He opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan brought him these long balance sticks. "Thanks. Don't come to my funeral." He says and everyone laughs. He opens my present next.
I brought him a waterproof speaker. "Thanks! I'll listen to Ariana Grande in the shower and finally say that I have shower with Arian Grande." He says and everyone laughs. Thomas starts opening his presents.
Cree brought him a gaming chair. "It's for gaming only!" She snaps. "Haha thanks." He kisses her. He opens Maddie's present next.
Maddie brought him the same as what Ricardo got Benji. "Thanks." He smiles. He opens Benji's present next.
Benji brought him a lot of Chuck Norris books. "Thanks dude." He says. He opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna brought him a new phone charger. "I know that you broke yours so here you go." She says. "Thanks." He laughs. He opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo brought him a drone. "Dude! Thanks!" He yells. "Now you can stalk Cree." Ricardo whispers in Thomas' ear. "No!" He moves away from Ricardo and Ricardo laughs. He opens Jade's present next.
Jade brought him earphones. "Thanks." He smiles at her. He opens Lance's present next.
Lance brought him face cleansing. What the? "Why?" Thomas questions. "So you can beautiful, like me." Lance says. "He is!" Cree shouts. Cuties. He opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan brought him an iPad Pro. "Dude, thanks!" He yells. He opens my present next.
I brought him a mini claw game. "Thanks Paige." He smiles. Breanna starts opening her presents now.
Cree got her a card game called exploding kittens. "Thanks, we should play this over New Years." She says. "Definitely." Cree smiles. She opens Maddie's present next.
Maddie got her a slack line set. "Thanks. Do not come to my funeral if I die on this!" She says seriously. She's joking obviously. She opens Benji's present next.
Benji got her a potholder pro set. "Thanks." She smiles. She opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas got her a snow cone maker. "Thank you! We should make some for New Years!" She yells. "Yes!" He yells back. She opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo got her a coloring poster. "Thanks Rico!" She smiles. She opens Jade's present next.
Jade got her an iPod Touch. "Thank you so much!" She yells and hugs Jade. She opens Lance's present next.
Lance got her a waterfall globe aquarium. "Thanks Lance." She kisses him. She opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan got her new beats headphones. "Thanks so much, Aidan!" She smiles. She opens my present next.
I got her a Nintendo 3DS XL. "Thank you!" She hugs me. Ricardo starts opening his gifts.
Cree got him a B8 droid. "Thanks Cree. This is so cool!" He hugs her. He opens Maddie's present next.
Maddie got him a play station 4. "Thank you Maddie!" He hugs her. He opens Benji's present next.
Benji got him a go pro. "Shot bro." He smiles. He opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas got him a Fitbit. "Shot dude! This is cool." He smiles. He opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna got him a Bluetooth speaker. "Thanks Brea. I will annoy you with my music now." He laughs and they hug. I notice Breanna rolling her eyes. He opens Jade's present next.
Jade got him a drone. "Omg, yes! Thank you!" He kisses her. He opens Lance's present next.
Lance got him the game cards against humanity. "Shot bro. We should play this some time." He says. He opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan got him an Apple TV. "Shot dude. Now I can scare you with pranks with this." He smirks evilly at Aidan. He opens my present next.
I got him a new camera. "Thanks! Be my model?" He says. "Of course!" I smile and we hug. Jade starts opening her gifts.
Cree got her a new iPod touch. "Thank you Cree!" They hug. She opens Maddie's present next.
Maddie got her a spike ball. "Thanks." She smiles. She opens Benji's present next.
Benji got her beauty stuff. "Thanks Benji!" She smiles. She opens Thomas' present next.
Thomas got her a bocce ball set. "Thanks." She smiles. She opens Breanna's present next.
Breanna got her a new pair of beats headphones. "Thank you so much bubbles!" They hug. She opens Ricardo's present next.
Ricardo got her a karaoke machine. "Thanks! We should sing a duet sometime." They kiss. She opens Lance's present next.
Lance got her a popcorn machine. "Thank you. We should make sometime." She hugs him. She opens Aidan's present next.
Aidan got her yoga stuff. "Thank you Aidan!" They hug. She opens my present next.
I got her this Zumba system. "Thank you!" We hug. Lance starts opening his gifts.
Cree got him a go pro. "Shot Cree!" They hug.
Maddie got him a new skateboard. "Shot Mads!" They hug.
Benji got him a Segway. "Shot Benj!" He smiles.
Thomas got him a ramen cooker. "Thanks." He smiles.
Breanna got him the iPhone 7. "Thank you so much!" They kiss.
Ricardo got him a new acoustic guitar. "Shot Rico!" They hug.
Jade got him a drone. "Shot Jade!" They hug.
Aidan got him a virtual reality headset. "Shot Aids!" They hug.
I got him a locker. "You need to clean your room." I say. "Thanks." He smiles. Aidan starts opening his gifts.
Cree got him water fountain speakers. "Thanks Cree!" They hug.
Maddie got him a fake gun. "Thanks." He smiles.
Benji got him a skateboard. "Thanks, now I have to learn." He smiles.
Thomas got him a hamper hoop. "Thanks but I'm not messy." He laughs.
Breanna got him a fish tank with fish. "Thank you Brea!" They hug.
Ricardo got him beats headphones and the speaker. "Thank you Rico!" They hug.
Jade got him an Apple Watch. "Thank you Jade!" They hug.
Lance got him snap circuits. "Thank you Lance!" They hug.
I got him a go cart. "Thank you Paige!" We kiss. I start opening my presents.
Cree got me a black cat hoodie. "Thank you Cree! I will wear this a lot and tell everyone Cree Cicchino brought me this!" We hug and everyone laughs.
Maddie got me a cotton candy maker. "Thank you Madz! We need to make some!" We hug.
Benji got me a new suitcase. "I can tell you're going to travel the entire world some day." He says. "Thank you, and that's actually my biggest dream!" We hug.
Thomas got me an iPad. "Thank you so much Thom!" We hug.
Breanna got me a bracelet maker. "Thanks Brea. We should make bracelets sometime!" We hug.
Ricardo got me perplexus. "Thanks Rico!" We hug.
Jade got me a best friend charm bracelet. It is 'JP and PS' on it. "Thanks bestie!" We hug.
Lance got me an iPod touch. "Thanks Lanco!" We hug.
Aidan got me a play station 4. "Thank you do much Aidan!" We kiss.

I went home with all my gifts. That was the best day ever!
{1979 words}

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