The goblet of fire

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 3: The goblet of fire


After Lydia and her other companions from Nekoten got up the next morning, they came down from their assigned tower and went with Ayanami Sensei to leave their names on the goblet of fire.

The Japanese teacher watched the golden trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione) while she was in place, and the boys were uncomfortable with the penetrating gaze of the red-eyed Nekomata. They had the same feeling as when Dumbledore scanned them with his eyes to see if they were lying.

Lydia and Percy said goodbye to their friends from Hufflepuff and the golden trio once they had finished depositing their names and returned to their rooms.

"Surely Dumbledore learned that look with Nekoten's teacher," said Hermione seriously.

"You're right, I'll never get used to being scanned that way," said Harry as he rubbed his chest uncomfortably.

"They should ban that magic, it's a violation of privacy," grunted Ron.



Already in the afternoon the whole school had gathered in the great hall, waiting for the goblet of fire to make the champions of the tournament known. Blue flames dropped a piece of paper that was taken by Dumbledore.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is Miss Fleur Delacour," announced the director and sent the young lady to wait one floor lower.

Again the blue flames of the goblet threw another paper.

"The champion of Durmstrang is Mr. Victor Krum," Dumbledore announced forcefully.

They all waited for another paper to come out of the goblet and indeed the elder director announced the verdict of the goblet.

"The champion of Hogwarts... is Mr... Cedric Diggory."

A thunderous applause rumbled in the great hall, but a school was still missing. However, the goblet took its time.

"What's wrong? Why doesn't the goblet give a name?" Harry asked.

"Surely they are so foolish that the goblet doesn't see anyone who is worth it," Ron said with sarcasm.

"Don't be stupid Ron, you may not have seen them with attention, every student looks like a leader in their own right, this time the goblet has it hard," Hermione said.

"Whom do you think the goblet will choose?" Mayu asked.

"Surely you. You are very powerful," said Sasana.

"My mother is the powerful one, I prefer to spend my time playing video games instead of studying, I'm sure it will be Himari or Kit, but Natsuki is also a dangerous rival."

"Himary and Kit can destroy every one of them a fucking army or more, but Kyoukya has goddess blood in her," said Kitty.

"Natsuki, Sasana and I also have divine blood," Mayu said lazily, "and look at me..."

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