The first trial

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 4: The first trial


Days went by and Lydia was asked to attend a photo shoot and Mr. Ollivander's inspection of the wands. After an incident involving tabloid reporter Rita Skeeter and Harry, all the champions took the picture and proceeded to the wand inspection.

Mr. Ollivander was interested in Krum's wand, but when it was Lydia's turn, he literally fell backwards. When the old man asked Lydia to show off her wand, she told him she didn't have one and didn't need a wand, that only for some spells did she use her staff. Fleur laughed at the fact that Lydia used something so primitive, but then Lydia as naturally as possible picked up a small key that had tiny wings on its sides and hung from her neck and stretched both arms out, she said:

"Staff who keep the powers of darkness, show your true identity in front of Lydia, who accepted the mission with you, free yourself!"

Suddenly a luminous magic circle and with strange signs came up under Lydia's feet and in front of her hand materialized the staff of the girl, looked like the scythe that used death but this had two blades, also next to each blade there was an eye that looked everywhere as if it were the eye of Professor Moody, there was also a sinister mouth that drooled continuously and all of a sudden it emitted a high-pitched scream that broke the windows. The staff was huge (about three meters), but Lydia, who was small like Hermione, handled it with an unnatural ease and fluidity.

Needless to say that everyone was stunned, well almost everyone, Fleur and Hermione shouted (said kyaaa with pretty little voices) and then Fleur collapsed.

"What do you think of my staff, Cedric," Lydia smiled at him and reached out her free hand.

Cedric was hesitant to shake Lydia's hand, but in the end Hufflepuff's friendship overcame fear and shook her hand.



The days went by and the article came out of the hateful journalist, of course since she wasn't there at the time Lydia invoked her staff (it was previously expelled by Dumbledore), the article only dealt with Harry, and the other champions weren't even mentioned, with the exception of Hermione, in which she said she was Harry's girlfriend.

Of course this strengthened the Hufflepuffs' reaction to the duo, as each time they saw them together or separately, people gave them broad, pungent smiles or blatantly winked at them, even Dumbledore and all the teachers (well Snape didn't) winked at them! The high point was when Professor McGonagall sent for them and they both took six hours of continuous classes with the boring woman about sex education!

Lydia found out about Hermione's passion for domestic elves and S.P.E.W. and for the Griffindor's happiness, both Lydia and Percy were willing to help her with anything. One morning when the girls were arguing about renaming the S.P.E.W. so that others would no longer mock the acronym, Harry told them frightened that the first test would be against dragons. The two girls were frightened, but then Lydia calmed down when Harry explained that they wouldn't have to fight them, just distract them somehow and take a fake golden egg.

Harry decided to warn Cedric about the dragons, and Ojoloco who was watching sent for him to his office and suggested a plan to take victory. While the girls were planning on how to outwit the dragon, Lydia already had a plan and therefore devoted herself to helping Hermione, she got her a fireproof robe and both girls made potions to fight the fire, this idea came to Lydia's mind when she found out how Harry went through the firewall to protect the sorcerer's stone during his first year.

The problem for Hermione is that she couldn't use the same magic Lydia would use to outwit the dragon for two reasons: first, the magic Lydia would use was not taught at Hogwarts; and second, she didn't have time. So the girls devised an emergency strategy and prayed for it to work.



The next morning all the champions were in a tent outside the stadium that was gradually crowded with spectators. Percy snuck into the tent and embraced Lydia passionately as if he wanted to convey all her confidence and keep her nerves away. Hermione and Harry did the same, but at that moment the hideous Rita Skeeter appeared and took a picture of them, while Krum reproached her for her lack of decency.

At that moment Dumbledore came in together with Crouch and Bagman, and they made the draw of dragons for each of the champions. Both Hermione and Lydia, were given a Quetzalcoatl dragons, the difference being that the Quetzalcoatl dragon of the Griffindor, came from Mexico and was the most peaceful dragon of all, instead Lydia, was given his cousin Bolivian brother, who was known as the most ferocious of them all, including the Hungarian horntail.

First the continental champions came out and then Cedric, the kids waited for the badger to stick to the plan of transforming a rock into a dog and not get nervous.

Then it was Harry's turn, and as planned, the boy called his broom using his wand and picked up the golden egg (although the dragon chased him through the castle first).

Then it was Hermione's turn and Lydia gave her a big hug to calm down, as the griffindor who wore her anti-fire tunic entered the arena, she took the magic potions and by means of a spell camouflaged herself looking like a rock. The dragon could sense the heat and smell of his target, but Hermione also took potions that camouflaged her body heat and neutralized any scent of her. Then with the help of her wand, the girl turned a rock into a dragon's egg and made it bounce off the place. The dragon moved away from her other eggs to catch the mad egg and Hermione slowly moved closer and finally stole the fake egg.

Finally it was Lydia's turn and before leaving she kissed Percy passionately. And then she saw it, the wildest dragon of all: the Bolivian Quetzalcoatl, resembled his far-eastern counterparts in its horns and elongated, wingless form, but he counted as his North American cousin with multicolored feathers that covered his whole body, hard feathers like diamonds and sharp as steel.

The creature's face reminded her of a No World's sandworms and she wondered if they were genetically related, perhaps they shared a common ancestor. Lydia quickly dismissed such thoughts and focused fully on her mission. The dragon surged and advanced towards the girl at great speed and with wild movements, but Lydia with all the calm of the world simply stretched her arm and made appear a doll equal to her but in the form of chibi chibi (type childish and small) which was thrown away, the dragon changed its decision and began to attack the doll. She would have finished with this with one blow but her wild nature forced her to tear apart her prey part by part, which gave Lydia the opportunity to generate several dolls of her and throw them around the stadium, already with the dragon distracted, Lydia decided not to waste time and transformed into a black cat, then rose through the air without the need for wings and quickly grabbed the golden egg and left the stadium.

The judges gave their scores but the Nekoten was not interested in that, she just wanted to meet Percy and when she found him they hugged strongly.


Lydia Deetz and the goblet of fire (completed 11/11)Where stories live. Discover now