Cat fight

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 5: Cat fight


In the room shared by the Nekoten, everyone congratulated Lydia on her victory. She was asked to open the egg but an unbearable noise came from it, apparently the enigma of the egg would be difficult to solve.

One afternoon Professor Ayanami told her students that a dance would be held at the castle and that the champions would open it. No one was surprised that Lydia and Percy decided to go together, as for their friends, Hermione was invited by Neville and the girl gladly accepted. This upset the Cat Girls because they were dying to go dancing with him.

Poor Neville was very surprised when Cat Girls lined up to ask him to go out with them. In particular, he blushed a lot when Blair, the Cat Girl who seemed to be older and obscenely curvaceously curved, shamelessly sensually insinuated herself and tried to seduce him into planting Hermione, but Kurona told Melwin, who grabbed her from the ear and punished her by prohibiting her from going to the dance (although she wasn't a teacher).

"Calm down girls" Lydia tried to calm them down, closing her eyes and forcing a smile.

"It's easy for you to say that, you already have a partner," Sylvia said.

"After how well you told us about your friend the lion," Jessica sighed.

"Then why don't you go with the boys from my old Hufflepuff house? You know, they're also great people."

"Do you think they'll invite us?" Momomiya asked.

"I think it's best if you invite them first" kept saying Lydia, keeping her expression Anime on her face, behind her, Percy was covering his mouth with both hands to not laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with the boys at this school," Kate said angrily, "with those grifinsdork or whatever they call themselves, they just keep stretching their torsos and smiling stupidly."

"Or those slyteletrines or something like that, they speak out loud about how important and rich their families are every time we pass by." Made noticeable a frowned Jen.

"The ravencrys, and your former house Lydia, turn their eyes away when they see us or want to tell us something but start babbling. They hate us so much that they have to look away and then try to cast a spell on us?"

"Or they stumble," Eris said.

"Or they get very sweaty when we get close and want to ask them something," said Blair.

"Anybody gets sweaty when they see the two huge balls of fat in front of you, it's disgusting," Miyabi scolded her.

"What did you say!"

"What, are you deaf?"

Both girls moved on to the insults and other companions followed.

The thing passed to worst and varied and very heavy furniture began to fly around the place from one side to the other. Lydia was still trying to calm her friends, but Percy held her in his arms and kicking karate kicks he made his way out of the place. The Cat Boys tried to calm the situation, but they were just as lucky as the furniture.

Beams of various colors came through the walls of the tower they were occupying, suddenly two huge explosions destroyed the north and west walls of the poor tower and a lightning bolted towards the astronomy tower, destroying it in a luminous ball before exploding, another lightning struck the quidditch field and... well, Hogwarts had to redraw the school's maps...

Professor Ayanami entered the crumbling hall, where the girls were still fighting (some of Nekoten's boys and girls were stamped against the walls) and she wanted to impose order, but out of nowhere, a fist smashed into her face and sent the poor teacher flying to the sky and disappeared shining like a star.



It was a real miracle that no one had died, the teacher Ayanami still did not appear and therefore Melwin was in charge of screaming at them loudly (of course, before they had to remove her from the wall with a huge spatula brought by the domestic elves).

Dumbledore, who always maintained an unnatural calm (something sure to be learned from Ayanami Sensei), was furious, in fact when Melwin was called to Dumbledore's office, the guard gargoyles mocked her saying: "speak slowly when you come in, if not the director falls","yes, and that is cause he is walking on the walls, JUA JUA JUA".

There were two things that made the director's blood boil: the first, his phoenix mascot fled the school terrified; and second, the whole great hall was left in ruins (Himari and Kit Ballard used the place as a personal ring), now it was no longer possible to perform the gala dance and the band would not accept a refund of money... yes, he forgot: how could he explain this to the Muggle authorities! Now there was another lake where the quidditch court used to be!



Ayanami Sensei returned after two days covered in bandages and some plasters.

The teacher didn't yell at them, but she had all of her students (minus Lydia and Percy who left before the Armageddon broke loose) lined up in a row, and with a serious expression on her face she slapped each one of them. Nekoten's teacher made the necessary paperwork to activate apparitions inside Japan and sent the girls and boys (because they didn't impose theirselves on her classmates) through the flu network to Hawaii, and from there directly to Japan.

Lydia gave Hermione an early Christmas present, fixing and then decreasing the teeth of her, after she suffered an accident in the potion class, now she was really beautiful, like an autumn afternoon with chestnut leaves falling and reflecting the sunlight.


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