Hand Holding

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   Farie looked Jay dead in the eye, and said five words, "Take me to the battlefield." She had a dark look in her eye, she seemed to know the person with her surname.
"I am going to," Jay's face went a little pink, "And Tarron told me... that we are to hold hands or something similar with our alliance, to show it is formed. After today we shouldn't have to, unless it's preferred," he finished.
I nodded and turned to my teammates, "it should be a tradition for us. Every time we go onto the battlefield, or to the sidelines, we shall hold hands. To show we are united as one."
They all smiled and agreed. Jay took hold of Adaliz's hand, and she grabbed one of mine, I turned my head to Taiyo as she gripped my other, and on the other side of her it was Farie. Joker held onto Farie's other hand firmly, yet softly at the same time, and Gordin held Joker's other, seemingly embarrassed by the action.
Jay led us to the arena, and there we saw two people. Joker's eyes went wide as he looked to the field. When we all let go of each other's hands, Joker ran to the wall around, Farie ran beside him.
On the field was a blue haired female, who's hair was lighter at the tips and darker at the roots. Her hair was pulled into two thin pigtails, some of the hair left out to cover the back of her neck. There was in front of her, a red haired male, his green eyes pierced the air between the two, meeting with the girl's blue eyes.
I looked up from them to see the royal family. Their daughter had recently come of the age to cover her face, but she still leaned to the side with her hand on her hip sassily, as if the coming death wouldn't satisfy her.
There was a baby in the arms of the second tallest member of the family, who I assume was the mother. The baby was rather cute, but seemed to somehow understand what was going to happen as his eyes looked to the two servants.
I averted my eyes back down. And saw Joker look worriedly to Farie, then out of instinct yelled, "GOOD LUCK MASON!!" I guess that was the name of the male. The red-haired boy turned to Joker and flashed him a smile, giving him a thumbs up.
Farie glared sidewas at Joker, And he chuckled nervously. Faire shook her head a bit and cupped her hands around her mouth, "Good luck Fueo!!" She yelled, still managing to be quieter than Joker.
   I heard a siren go off and both of the servants looked at each other.
   The battle has begun.

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