The Very Beginning

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Joey Richter hated Lauren Lopez. Well, maybe hate was too strong of a word, but he certainly didn't like her. Joey had enrolled at the University of Michigan three months ago, majoring in Theatre Studies and had immediately befriended his TA, Darren. They had spent all their time together, crashing parties, movie marathons and running lines until their glorious girl free three months were up. Darren's girlfriend Lauren had returned from her sandwich year swooped in and took him away. Now? The last time he had seen Darren had been two weeks ago.

Of course Joey understood that his girlfriend was important but Darren should understand that his friendships were important too, right? Speaking of Darren's girlfriend; Joey and Lauren had spent very little time together but he got the feeling she really didn't like him and so in turn he really didn't like her. He had tried to get along with her for Darren's sake but he had overheard her call him immature and that had further cemented his dislike of her.

Now he was certain he hated her. Joey picked at his food and glared at the happy couple across the table. In an effort to get Joey and Lauren to spend more time together and maybe even become friends, Darren had asked her to set Joey up and then attend a double date together. This was the worst date Joey had ever been on. The girl, Helen, would not stop talking about herself. He felt like he practically knew her life story. He caught Lauren's eye over the table and she smirked at him. She'd set him up on the worst date of his life to make sure he didn't want to spend anymore time with them hadn't she? Well, two can play at that game.

"So, Helen, how do you know Lauren?" Joey asked a big grin plastered on his face. Lauren glared at him across the table.

"Let's not tell that story Helen, maybe save it for another day?" Lauren interrupted.

"Lauren was on the cheer squad for like a week and we just kinda clicked, it's like I," Joey stopped listening but nodded along, filing away the information of Lauren being on the cheer squad for later.

"The cheer squad? I didn't have you down as the cheerleading type Lauren." Joey said, casually taking a bite of his salad.

"That's why I was only there a week," Lauren said through gritted teeth clearly embarrassed about her stint on the team. Darren slid an arm around her shoulder.

"Then you took up more dance classes and now I never see you," Darren replied with a pout. Lauren leaned across to whisper something in his ear and Joey rolled his eyes at the flush that crept up Darren's neck.

"What about you Joey, do anything embarrassing lately?" Lauren asked with a smirk.

"Oh my God, Joey drank too much milk yesterday and it came out of his nose!" Darren supplied helpfully as Lauren hid a laugh.

"Thanks Darren,"

"I really love milk!" Helen exclaimed "When I was four we lived in this house that backed on to a farm and there was a cow there that was so sweet,"

"Cows are just the coolest," Joey agreed wondering when this girl would get the hint. What was she even talking about? She twirled her blonde hair around her finger and slid closer to him. Good God, was she trying to flirt with him?

He finished his salad and watched in disgust as Darren fed a bite of his food to Lauren.

"You wanna get out of here?" Helen asked. The brunette fought his look of surprise and nodded grateful to get away from the couple opposite. Together they slipped from the table; Joey pulled out his wallet and paid for his and Helen's meal, waved far too happily and smugly at Lauren and left without a second glance; he could still feel her glare two blocks later.

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