Of Board Games & Brian

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Just before Easter one of Brian's friends Jaime hosted a board game evening. Everyone was due to go home for a couple of weeks and this was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with their friends before the break. Joey was invited as Brian's plus one and their other friends Corey, Joe, Meredith and Brian H all turned up too. Together they helped Jaime set up a game of Clue on her coffee table.

"Sorry we're late guys," the front door opened to reveal Darren and Lauren, both pulling off their coats as they entered. "Traffic is horrible – people are really trying to get home already!"

Joey narrowed his eyes at his friend. The traffic was not terrible; he'd managed to get here with no trouble at all. And it was only Thursday, people wouldn't be leaving for Easter already would they? He studied Darren carefully but the curly haired boy was all smiles as he hugged Jaime and entered the kitchen for a drink. It was Lauren who gave the game away. Her eyes were slightly red rimmed and she had a little crease in her forehead from the permanent scowl she was wearing. No-one else seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary and all returned to their conversations.

Chancing his luck, Joey moved to greet Lauren and check she was alright. Their relationship hadn't changed since January but they now waved at each other in passing and he had even sent her a happy birthday text that she thanked him for. He carefully positioned himself in the arch of the kitchen so it looked as though his back was to her and gently reached out a hand for her wrist.

"You okay?" He asked, his brown eyes looking at her softly. She jerked her hand back but softened too as she looked up at him.

"I'll be fine." She nodded curtly and then went to hug Jaime. Understanding that was all he was getting from her, Joey walked back to the lounge confused. Had something happened between her and Darren that had made her upset? She had definitely been crying before she had arrived at the party; he really hoped she was okay and made a promise to himself that he would send her a quick text before the end of the night just to check in.

The rest of the evening consisted of Lauren and Darren studiously ignoring each other and a tense game of Clue, followed by a ridiculous game of Monopoly. Joey excused himself to grab another drink and was met by Jaime in the kitchen.

"Thanks for hosting, this has been a really good night!"

"It's not even 10pm, you can't be thinking of leaving already," Jaime laughed as she wiped down her kitchen counter.

"You're already tidying – I'd say this party is over," Joey grinned at her as he began stacking empty cups to help clean up. "But you're coming to our house party tomorrow right?"

"Wouldn't miss it! Is everyone here coming?"

Joey did a quick mental run through of the guest list and then nodded happily.

"Provided no-one's changed their mind last minute, everyone should be there."

"Hey speaking of last minute changes, are you getting a weird vibe from Darren and Lauren?" Jaime asked. Joey shrugged forcing himself to look nonplussed.

"I don't think it's any of my business to be honest, if they want to tell us they will."

Jaime made a sound of approval in the back of her throat and took a sip from her beer.

"Darren told me they'd had an argument before they came out, that's why they're both being odd tonight." She was not going to drop this subject. Joey turned away from her to roll his eyes and stare out of the kitchen window. He hummed quietly and let her continue. "I've always thought they were an odd couple, there's no chemistry there. Part of me always thought that they stayed together because at this point they've been together so long, they don't know what to do without each other."

"I actually had friends like that," Joey commented, turning back around to face her. "It was in high school, they dated on and off for so long it started to make her really unhappy. She was my best friend so eventually I told her, if he's not making you happy then you're better off alone. I think that's sound advice for anyone really, you should be with whoever makes you happiest."

"Oh so you know everything about my life do you Joey?" Lauren appeared in the archway, keeping her voice low so as not to alert the others in the lounge. Knowing he was in for another argument Joey stood his ground.

"Does everything always have to be a fight with you?" He replied, rolling his eyes at her, "I wasn't even talking about you."

"Sure you weren't!" She scowled, clearly not believing him. "I'm sure Darren has told you all about our little fight earlier."

"He really hasn't," Joey shook his head at her. "I haven't spoken to him properly since you banned us from being friends."

"You are so immature, I didn't ban you from being friends." Her voice dropped even lower and Joey realised she'd snapped, "And I'm sure you think that I'd be better off alone. Then you could have your precious friend back without me around."

"Lauren, he wasn't talking about you," Jaime interrupted forcefully. "Stop being so stubborn and assuming the worst from people."

"Don't worry about it Jaime, Lauren's clearly got a problem with me that she just can't let go." Joey moved to hug Jaime and side stepped Lauren on the way out of the kitchen. He paused briefly to add "Thank you for having me but I'm obviously not wanted any more." and then turned to address Lauren "I thought we were actually making progress Lauren but clearly I was the one that was wrong this time."

Joey left without another word and drove back to his house in silence. How was it possible that every time they took one step forward, they'd take another two steps backward? Lauren was so quick to jump to conclusions and judge him and he had absolutely no clue why. He pulled up outside and dropped his head to his steering wheel as his phone vibrated.

'Sorry I snapped. Long day, many arguments. Please don't be angry at me.' Lauren's name flashed on his screen and he felt bad for her. She'd obviously had a bad day and whilst he really didn't appreciate her taking it out on him, he could at least understand her reasoning. He tapped out his reply quickly.

'It's okay. House party at ours tomorrow –are you coming?'

The response came almost immediately.

'Depends if Darren and I are on speaking terms.'

Joey didn't realise it was that bad. He wondered briefly why he felt a little lighter at the prospect of Darren and Lauren's relationship deteriorating but put it down to the happy possibility of spending more time with Darren away from Lauren. Clearly their argument hadn't been a little hiccup, this was serious if they weren't even on speaking terms. He walked into his house with his eyes glued to the screen.

'Do you need me to come back and get you if you're not talking to your ride?'

'I'm staying at Jaime's' Another vibration alerted him to a second text, 'Thanks though x'

'You're still invited to the party even if you don't come with Darren.' Joey replied desperately trying to ignore the kiss she had sent in her last text. Were they on text kiss level of friendship now? He still wasn't even sure if they were friends.

'Why are you so nice to me? I'm such an assholeto you.' Joey laughed out loud at her response.

'We're assholes to each other, it's what makes us work.'

'Should we try not being assholes?'

'Nah, being an asshole is what makes my life worth living'

'If it helps, you're a very good one.' Lauren replied.

'Right back at you.' Joey typed as he flopped down onto his bed.

'I think you need to come back'

'Why?' He scowled at the prospect of leavinghis house again.

'You forgot Brian'

Ah shit.


Thanks to the one person who is reading haha!

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