Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot

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Nothing out of the ordinary happened after that night but both Lauren and Joey acted like it had never happened after they returned from the Christmas break. Lauren kept her distance and Joey didn't attempt to speak to her. They had been paired together in an improvisation class at Basement Arts a few weeks later and they had gotten along just fine, definitely not friend level of fine, but okay. There were still so many questions left unanswered that he desperately wanted to ask but he knew he didn't have the right to demand the answers from her. Her and Darren were still together and seemed happy enough from the glimpses he'd caught of them on the quad so he assumed it had nothing to do with their relationship. He wondered briefly if she'd told Darren but figured she couldn't have or Darren would've said something to him. She had even text him when she was away to tell him that as she wasn't there Darren would be free, like she was encouraging them to hang out again. It was a very odd situation and as such, he was left in this weird kind of limbo – were they frenemies now?


It was New Year's Eve and Joey, Brian, Corey and few other friends were making their way up to watch some fireworks to welcome in the New Year. Joey had decided not to tell anyone about his rescue mission - it was Lauren's story and despite the fact that he still didn't really like her it wasn't his place to tell anyone about the escapade.

"This is such a mature way to see in the New Year," Brian grinned, pulling his beanie further over his ears.

"Right? I feel like such an adult," Joey replied. "No big party, no late night stupid ideas and no alcohol!" He was bundled up in a scarf, gloves, beanie and thick winter coat as they trudged up Michigan's biggest hill. He watched with a laugh as Brian pulled a hip flask from his pocket and grinned at him. "Okay, maybe some alcohol."

There was already a fair crowd of people who had taken blankets and speakers to set up nice and cosy. He spotted Lauren with a group of friends and shot her a quick smile that was returned briefly before she carried on walking with her group.

"What was that?" Brian asked incredulously.

"What was what?" Joey asked looking around.

"You and Lauren, you just... smiled at each other. Are you..." Brian paused dramatically, "friends?" He gasped and clasped his hands over his mouth.

"What are you talking about? No we didn't!" Joey exclaimed nervously.

"So you still think she's an annoying little shit?"

"For the last time Brian I did not say that." Joey sighed and tugged at his own beanie. "She's a pain in my ass and she ruined my friendship with Darren, why would I ever want to be her friend let alone smile at her?"

"Wow," Joey spun around at the sound of her voice.

"How the fuck are you always behind me?" Joey groaned.

"I'm drawn to idiots I guess," Lauren growled. "I came over here to say hi and play nice but instead I find you're still fucking bitching about me?"

Joey groaned again and closed his eyes tightly wishing he was anywhere but here. He'd only been trying to protect her and their secret drive home but instead he'd pissed her off, big time.

"Lauren, you don't get it, I was-"

"Too busy being an immature idiot to notice I was stood right here?" Lauren finished for him. "I get it Joey, we're never going to be friends. I thought maybe you had some redeemable qualities but here I am and here you are proving me wrong."

"What do you want me to say?" Joey asked as Brian very carefully backed away from them.

"Say you're sorry you asshole." Lauren raised herself up on her tiptoes to stare directly into his eyes. "Actually, don't bother. You're not worth my time."

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