Half Truth Tales

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The next morning Joey woke up late and alone. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and sat up wondering just where Lauren had ended up. He spotted her open suitcase on the floor and frowned. Deciding this was more detective work than his brain was feeling up to this early in the morning, he forced himself out of bed and down the stairs. There were voices coming from the kitchen followed by Lauren's laugh. He smiled to himself and walked through the kitchen door to see Lauren and his Mom stood side by side chopping fruit and placing it in a large glass bowl.

"Morning," He yawned as he made his way over to Lauren. He grabbed a handful of her t-shirt, or should he say his t-shirt, and pulled her to him, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"Morning sleepy head!" She grinned leaning into his chest. He noticed she had put some pyjama pants on which he assumed was why her suitcase was open.

"Morning Joey, you're just in time for breakfast." Denise smiled at the pair before resuming cutting the fruit, "Could you grab the yoghurt and some bowls?"

"Have you got any honey?" Lauren asked as she slid the remainder of her fruit into the bowl from the chopping board. Joey grabbed the bowls from the cupboard and opened the fridge for the yoghurt.

"Top cabinet on the left," Denise pointed out.

"I've got it Lo," Joey said coming up behind her.

"I can do it,"

"You're too short,"

"Am not,"

"Alright, go for it." Joey placed his hands on his hips with a smirk. There was no way Lauren would be able to get the honey, it was on the highest shelf of the cupboard and she was no more than 5 foot. He watched her stretch onto her tiptoes, her fingers barely reaching the middle shelf and laughed.

"Told you," He grinned. He stepped into her space, pressing up behind her to reach the honey. Once he handed it to her she turned around and shoved his chest with a pout.

"I could've got it," She huffed and Joey laughed again as she placed the honey on the table.

"You two are so cute," Denise commented as she carried the bowl of fruit over. She placed it in the centre of the table and pulled out a chair for herself across from Joey and Lauren. The couple in question looked at each other startled. Joey had forgotten they were supposed to be acting like a couple in front of his parents and so it seemed had Lauren. They both laughed nervously as they sat down opposite Denise.

"How did you two get together?" She asked, scooping fruit into her own bowl.

"Uh," Joey hedged as he looked wide eyed at Lauren. She squeezed his leg under the table and grabbed a bowl for herself.

"We met through my ex actually, hated each other at first but a couple of months ago we just kinda seemed to drift together," Lauren shrugged refusing to look either Joey or his Mom in the eye, "it was pretty natural actually."

"All the best relationships are," Denise nodded "And what about-"

"Mom, enough with the third degree, it's too early," Joey interrupted attempting to save them from any more awkward questions. Denise threw her hands up in mock apology as Lauren laughed beside him. Her previous answer had got him thinking. That was pretty much exactly what had happened just without the relationship bit at the end. Were they heading that way eventually? Was that what she wanted?

"What've you got planned for us today JoJo?" Lauren asked, interrupting his train of thought.

"I actually thought we'd stay here today, I'll show you around and we could go for a swim, maybe watch a movie?"

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