A Diversion

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The drive to the airport was horrible. Darren sat in the passenger seat in silence, his head resting against the window as he looked out over the city he'd soon be leaving. Lauren was stretched out in the back seat quietly singing along to the radio and staring between them. Joey just felt guilty for the entire drive.Darren's ex-girlfriend who he had a minor crush on was sat in the back of Joey's car, wearing his t-shirt after staying in his bed with him as he drove her ex-boyfriend to the airport. This was not a situation he was entirely happy about. Sure they hadn't done anything out of the ordinary and Joey would maintain that he would've had any of his friends in his bed with him but it still felt wrong. Darren was supposed to be his best friend and if he found out about their sleepover Joey was sure he'd go mental.

Every time he caught a glimpse of Lauren in the rear view mirror she would smile sadly at him and he would feel even guiltier. He knew Lauren was vulnerable and upset over Darren leaving and his little crush on her was only going to make things worse.

They made it to the airport in record time and Joey pulled up in the drop off zone. He hopped out of the car and grabbed Darren's suitcase from the trunk. Lauren stood beside him as Darren jumped out of the car too.

"Alright mate, have a safe trip, let us know when you arrive." He stepped forward to envelope his friend in a hug as a lump formed in his throat. "I'm gonna miss you man."

"Miss you more," Darren replied. He hugged Joey tightly and then stepped back to his suitcase.

"I'm gonna drive around a couple of times, give me a shout when you're ready Lo," Joey said to the small girl beside him. She nodded and squeezed his arm before moving to stand beside Darren who was looking between them with narrowed eyes.

"Well, goodbye Darren,"

"Don't be a stranger yeah Joey?" The brunette could do nothing but nod as he watched them walk into the airport hand in hand. He hopped back in his car and started the engine ready to circle the space, the image of them holdings hands seared into his brain.


He picked Lauren up about ten minutes later glad to see that she hadn't been crying.

"You okay?" He asked, his eyes focused on the freeway.

"Yeah," She said sounding surprised by her own admission, "We talked and we made our peace with each other."

"Glad to hear it," Joey smiled, he felt her small hand on top of his on the gear stick and he automatically flipped his hand over to link their fingers together.

They drove the rest of the way home in silence until they pulled up outside Lauren's house. She unbuckled her seatbelt with her spare hand before looking up at Joey.

"I understand now why you guys are such good friends," she paused and blinked nervously, "You're one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. Thanks for looking after me even after I pushed you away and made you feel like trash."

"That's in the past, we're friends now Lo."

Lauren chuckled and looked down at their hands still conjoined on the console.

"He asked me about that y'know,"

"About what?" Joey replied confusion lacing his tone.

"Why you had a nickname for me but he never did."

"Everyone calls you Lo don't they?" Joey asked, he raised an eyebrow as he searched his memory for a time when he had heard someone else call her Lo. Lauren shook her head and looked up at him through dark lashes.

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