You and Me

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Joey was met with the dialling tone and he looked down at his screen in complete confusion. He blinked a couple of times and stood up quickly. He ran downstairs and skidded into the hallway pulling open the front door to see Lauren sat on his doorstep. She turned at the sound of the door opening and patted the space beside her.

"Hi," he said breathlessly, shutting the door behind him and sitting down.

It was growing dark outside, the nights were getting longer and the street lamps were flickering to life earlier. The small brunette looked up at him, dark circles under her eyes and her long hair tied back from her face.

"You look terrible," she said.

"Charming," Joey rolled his eyes wondering if they were still in an argument. He didn't think so but Lauren was just so fiery he couldn't tell half the time. "You don't look so hot either."

"I'm a literal sewer dweller, I never look hot."

"Oh shut up," he so desperately wanted to wrap his arms around her and apologise for everything but instead he asked, "What're you doing here?"

"I thought I'd wait on your doorstep if you won't wait on mine," She smiled.

"I'd have been there all day if Darren hadn't come back,"

"I know," She placed her hand over his on his lap and looked cautiously up at him. "I'm sorry I was so stubborn and didn't let you explain. I was so afraid to lose you that I pushed you further away," she sighed sadly, "This week without you has been hell."

"It really has. I've missed you more than I knew I could miss anyone." Joey agreed and Lauren nodded, her eyes wide.

"I think I'm ready to let you explain now," she took her hand back and looked up at him.

Something was wrong here. Why was she looking at him like that? Did she really think he was about to reject her? How could she possibly think that? How had he allowed her to think like that? With a desperate need Joey reached for her hand. He took a deep breath mentally preparing himself.

"I really, really like you and I have done for the longest time. I'm sorry I didn't ask you out or tell you how I felt before now; I couldn't risk losing you as a friend but it seems I've lost any potential for anything more than that thanks to my hesitation and well..."

"Darren?" Lauren supplied helpfully and Joey nodded.

"How is he?" He asked despite himself, Lauren shrugged.

"Jet lagged, sleep deprived, crushed," she listed.

"Crushed?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"You're right, he did come over to restart our relationship," she was smiling sadly now, "I couldn't say yes, how could I when," she paused and caught his eye, "It's always been you,"

Joey's brain was working a mile a minute. He had finally been able to tell her how much he cared about her, and he had felt the relief wash over him in waves. Even though he knew she had chosen Darren it still felt good to confess his feelings out loud. But now it seemed as though he had gotten it wrong and she wasn't back together with him? What was going on?

"But I overheard you..." He finally said, confusion written all over his face.

"We were talking about you," she nudged him with her shoulder and looked down at their joined hands. "I know you're still with Sophie but-"

"I'm not," Joey interrupted, "with Sophie, that is, I broke up with her officially," he paused until she finally met his gaze, "and you're not with Darren?" she shook her head looking up at him through dark lashes.

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