When You Know, You Know

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The next day Joey, Brian and Corey all took a mass shopping trip to pick up alcohol, snacks and cups. They spent way over their budget but they were certain it was going to be a goodnight. They had a couple of beers whilst they set up the downstairs of the house and were suitably buzzed when their first guests arrived.

"Darren!" Joey grinned as he hugged his friend, clapping him on the back happily.

"Alright mate?" He looked behind him surprised to find Lauren wasn't there.

"No Lauren?" Joey asked as he took Darren's coat.

"Why do you care?" Darren scowled.

"I don't," Joey said quickly. He paused before asking "Everything okay with you two?"

"I don't want to talk about her tonight," Darren sighed as he pushed his jumper sleeves up his arms, "I want to play beer pong!"

Joey shrugged and pointed him in the direction of the beer pong table in the kitchen. It had been more than 24 hours since Darren and Lauren had had their argument and if Joey were Darren he'd have at least attempted to make up with her, especially after seeing her so sad. Joey blinked hard. Did he really just put himself in Darren's place? Lauren was not his girlfriend and he didn't even like her really so why the sudden role-play? He took a deep breath and desperately tried to shake her from his mind. He moved over to the beer pong table to cheer on his friends deciding studiously to stay away from any more beer. Maybe alcohol wasn't a good idea tonight.

But God this party was boring without alcohol. Two hours later and Darren would not stop whining about Lauren despite his earlier statement, Brian and Corey had invited so many people Joey didn't know he couldn't find anyone to talk to and everyone had drunk so much alcohol he felt like a total outsider in his own house.

Joey sighed deeply and looked around the lounge, he spotted Lauren holding a cup in a group of girls he'd never met, he hadn't seen her arrive so he was surprised to see her at all. He made his way through the crowd to say hi, chancing a glance over his shoulder to make sure Darren hadn't spotted her too. Luckily the boy in question was still absorbed in his game of beer pong.

"Hey! You made it!" Joey said smiling down at the brunette in front of him. She was wearing a fitted black dress with converse and he honestly couldn't think of an outfit that summed her up more.

"Yeah, I was actually at Helen's party but I heard rumours you guys had a swimming pool so here I am!" Lauren grinned up at him. Her pupils were blown wide and he could tell she'd been drinking at the previous party too. She swayed on the spot a little and he clasped a hand to her shoulder to keep her grounded.

"Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you consider a puddle in our yard a swimming pool, you're out of luck."

"Damn it, I wore my bikini under this for nothing?" She laughed and Joey's witty response caught in his throat at the mental image of Lauren in a bikini. He changed the subject and ran his hand through his hair nervously.

"You still hang out with Helen?"

"Yeah," Lauren paused placing a hand on Joey's arm her face taking on a serious expression as she blinked slowly. "I'm sorry I set you guys up. It was a terrible idea, you are not well matched at all."

"Oh come off it Lo, you only set us up so I'd stop hanging out with you and Darren," He grinned. He watched the smile slip from her face at the mention of the boy less than 20ft behind them. He wondered if she'd spotted him yet or if they'd had the chance to talk things over. He guessed not as they had both arrived separately and were both drinking enough for three people right now. "How about I give you a tour of our humble abode?" He asked changing the subject, "You've not been here before right?"

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