Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

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Joey fidgeted nervously off-stage; he straightened his robes and tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear as he waited for his name to be called. Today was the day he finally graduated from the University of Michigan. It had been a long and hard four years of his life but he wouldn't trade those years for anything. He had met his three best friends, been a part of countless original musicals and plays and he had met the love of his life here – how could he ever regret a single second of his journey?

He risked a glance into the audience and spotted his parents sat beside Lauren all wearing matching proud grins.

He and Lauren had been together for three years this September and whilst they're relationship had had its fair share of ups and downs he was still just as much in love with her as he had been at the beginning, probably even more so. She had moved to New York in her first year out of Michigan in search of acting jobs and had found it incredibly difficult being away from both her family and friends. She had stuck it out for the whole year before moving back to Chicago to be closer to her family. It was a solid four hour drive from Ann Arbor but it was certainly closer than New York had been and somehow they were strong enough to make it work. And now, here they were, three years later. Just seeing her with his parents made him feel calmer; he took a deep breath and walked across the stage.


"JoJo, you did so good!" Lauren exclaimed throwing herself into his arms happily.

"I can't believe I didn't fall over," he grinned pressing a kiss to her neck.

"Congratulations Joey, you're officially a graduate!" Bob clapped him on the back as he placed Lauren on the ground carefully, sliding his hand into hers.

"Thanks Dad,"

"The big wide world awaits," Denise smiled leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. He felt Lauren squeeze his hand beside him as they began to walk from the quad to the restaurant for dinner. His Mom was right, the big wide world was right around the corner and Joey didn't have a clue what was coming next, but he was excited to face it with Lauren by his side.


"Is that the last of the boxes?" Lauren called out to Joey as he placed a particularly heavy one on the sofa.

"Yep," He grinned at the small brunette as she appeared in the doorway of their lounge, "we are officially all moved in," he laughed as she squealed happily and threw herself into his chest.

"I'm so happy," she sighed into his t-shirt as Joey rubbed her back.

"Good," he replied dropping a kiss to the top of her head, "me too,"

"I love you," she tilted her head to look up at him with big brown eyes.

"I love you too," he smiled.

She pushed herself up on tiptoes to kiss him, her arms wrapping around his neck as his crossed behind her back, pressing her to him as close as possible. With great effort he pulled back, forcing her to let go of his neck.

"Come on, we better get unpacking or it's take out for dinner," he pushed her butt lightly and she laughed as she made her way to their bedroom.

Joey looked around at their apartment and smiled to himself. It was a small one bedroom place on the ground floor with a tiny garden and an even smaller kitchen, but it was theirs and that was all that mattered.


"LA is so small sometimes," Lauren remarked as she slid into the passenger seat of Joey's car.

It had been a couple of months since they had moved in together and a lot had changed. Joey had formed an internet based comedy group with his old housemates from college Corey and Brian, and Lauren now taught dance classes to a variety of children aged between 8 and 16. He buckled his seatbelt and looked over at her.

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