From Bad to Worse

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Joey fidgeted nervously and shifted his weight from foot to foot as he stood outside of Lauren's front door, holding a bouquet of red roses. He steeled his nerves and pressed the doorbell hoping she wouldn't immediately slam the door in his face.

Last night he had not slept well. He had sent Lauren a text asking her to let him know when she landed safe for his own peace of mind. He had offered her a lift home too but she hadn't responded to that one. This morning he had called her and left a voicemail letting her know that now they were in the same city he was going to sit on her doorstep until she agreed to see him. She hadn't replied to that one either and it gave him some hope. Joey knew that if she had asked him to stop he would have but he also knew that she knew that too so maybe she didn't want him to stop. With that thought in mind he had had a quick shower, changed and walked the ten minute trip to her new house.

Denise opened the door and smiled at him. Clearly Lauren had not told her what had happened.

"Hi Joey!" She grinned.

"Hi Denise, good summer?"

"The best," She replied, tucking her short blonde hair behind her ear. "You here for Lauren?"

"Yeah, is she around?"

"Her and Darren went to the dance studio," she checked her watch, "you can probably still catch up to them,"

"Darren?"Joey reiterated feeling his heart plummet to the ground, all the colour draining from his face.

"Yeah, he bought her tulips, isn't that sweet?" Denise grinned as she noticed the roses in Joey's hand, "Oh wait," the smile slid from her face, "Did someone die?"

Darren was here? With tulips? What did that mean? He hoped against all hope that he wasn't back to tell Lauren he still loved her but there was only one reason a boy would turn up on the doorstep with flowers. He was living proof.

"What?" Joey asked blinking slowly his brain coming back into gear. He looked down at the flowers and shook his head, thrusting them at Denise, "Could you just make sure she's gets these?" He asked waiting until she took them from him before turning around and walking away.

"Joey are you okay?" Denise called after him.

He didn't reply, just kept his head down and carried on walking. He heard the door shut behind him a few seconds later and he sunk his hands into his pockets, his head low as he began the walk home. This was a literal nightmare. Darren coming back could only mean one thing and it wasn't good. On the one hand he hoped that if they did decide to get back together they would both be happy but on the other hand he felt sick just thinking about them reuniting. If Darren could've waited just a few more days him and Lauren would have (hopefully) been in a relationship and happy with no chance of anyone coming between them, but no. The thought struck him like lightning. Lauren wanted him. Why had he automatically thought she would go back to Darren? Maybe she would if he didn't get a chance to tell her how he felt. He had to get to her. He had to tell her how he felt. Screw rejection, screw Darren, screw everything except her. She was the most important part of his life and he would be damned if he didn't at least get the chance to fight for her.

Joey swivelled on his heel and ran to the dance studio. It wasn't too far from their house but it was far enough away that he was out of breath by the time he got there. He sunk down on the wall outside to catch his breath before going inside.

"And you're sure you want to give this a try? Even though..."

Wait, was that Darren's voice? Joey frowned and looked around for the source of the sound.

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