Crossing The Line

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"Do you think it's weird that we're attracted to each other?"

It was currently very late at night and Joey's birthday party had only just finished. They were tucked up in bed, Lauren's back pressed against his chest as he gently played with her fingertips.

"Huh?" Joey asked glad that Lauren couldn't see the colour his face was turning. He had almost choked on thin air at her question. First of all had she finally figured out that he liked her? And second of all did this mean she was attracted to him too?

"I just mean," she wriggled so she was facing him, their heads level on the pillows, "we joke about it all the time like with the bikini today and the pyjama pants a few days ago."

"So, I joke about it all the time you mean?"

"I tell you how attractive you are!" She cried indignantly.

"When?" Joey laughed, intertwining their fingers under the quilt. Lauren seemed to think for a minute and then smirked happily.

"Right now," she grinned.

"Oh no," Joey groaned, squeezing his eyes shut tight.

"I think you are a very handsome man Joey Richter, I love your eyes," she laughed. Using her free hand she moved to brush his hair from his face forcing him to open his eyes, "I love your chest," her hand trailed down to his ribs, "I love your heart," she paused, "your cute ass," she ran her hand along the curve of his bum and down to his thigh to hook it over her own. "I love that little mole you have right here," Lauren pressed her finger to his collarbone as Joey laughed, "and I love this little trail of hair, just here." Her fingers were warm as they slid over his stomach and followed his happy trail down to the waistband of his pyjama pants. Joey shuddered underneath her touch, his breathing laboured. She left her hand there and Joey thought he might implode. "So?"

"So what?" He asked thoroughly distracted.

"Is it weird that we are attracted to each other?" Lauren asked impatiently.

"I don't think so," Joey replied moving her hand so he could breathe again, "you are a very beautiful person Lauren, I'd be crazy not to be attracted to you." She made a noise of agreement as she watched him.

"Same to you," She replied leaning forward to kiss him on the nose. These conversations were getting harder and harder.


A few days later Joey, Lauren, Corey and Brian all piled into Joey's Dad's pick up and drove down to the beach. It was the hottest day of the year so far so the trunk was rammed with towels, beach umbrellas, sunscreen, water and a small speaker. Joey had hooked his iPod up to the car and they were currently pulling into the parking lot with Imagine Dragons blasting through the speakers.

"It's a shame Michigan doesn't have more beaches," Brian remarked as he climbed out of the car.

"LA has got the nicest beaches I've ever seen," Lauren replied as she popped the trunk. She grabbed a couple of bags and waited for the boys to do the rest.

"It is well renowned for it's coast," Corey commented grabbing the cool box of water. The group hummed in approval as they unpacked the rest of the car.

"Where do you wanna sit today?" Joey asked Lauren. She pointed a little further down the beach but not too far from the car and the group made their way over, Lauren leading the pack.

"I can't believe we fly back today, this has been the shortest week of my life," Brian complained hiking a bag up his shoulder.

Joey tuned them out as they walked and focused his gaze on Lauren in front of him. It was Friday and she was due to fly home on Saturday. The boys had earlier flights than her so she would be alone for the journey. He wanted to spend every second he could with her whilst she was still here and before he could process his own thought it was out of his mouth.

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