Chapter 2 : I Am Now A Fish

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Hey guys! I'm back on a terrible upload schedule! Don't judge me okay bye. *Runs away to the dark corner of sadness* Also btw, I make all of this up on the spot so I consider myself as a bad author. OKEE BYE!

~Vikk's POV~

  I ended up with 6 dark grey hoodies, some stale bread, some cookies (A/N Leave a comment on your favorite type of cookie XD), three iron swords that were only slightly used, but were other wise in fairly good shape, a full set of iron tools, a couple sets of iron armor, a set of chain mail armor, a bow, 17 arrows, some torches, and a couple of potions of water breathing. It's kind of upsetting that nothing else survived Herobrine's bonfire.

  I went over the prophecy one more time in my head, going over every detail.

The first of the the frozen 5

Is in a structure where you must take a dive

Then quickly, you must swim to escape

Once the fallen hero is revived

  Swim to escape? Wait a minute... oh... oh no. An ocean temple. Why an ocean temple. Why is he in an ocean temple? Oh dear cactus (A/N Yes I know that it's Vikk and not Preston, but still Idc) At least I have water breathing potions. I thought to myself as I imaged hundreds of guardians swarming around me.

"Oh boy, at least it's not Herobrine right?" I gulped. "Ok, deep breaths Vikk,"

  And with that, I started my journey to an ocean, which wasn't that far, but still, ugh.


  I finally made it to the ocean, but like I said before, I don't wanna swim. So I decided now would be a good time to try and figure out my powers! Looking around, I spotted a forest, the ocean, and the village far off in the distance.

"EARTH DO SOMETHING" I screamed out loud. Then suddenly a vine shot up out of the ground. I shrieked in surprise until I realized that I had done that. I looked at the trees and mentally told them to take a step forward with their roots. They did so. I smiled in delight. What else can I do?  I wondered. I thought for a moment, if my powers are nature based, maybe I could... I thought for a moment, concentrating, I thought about a wolf. When I opened my eyes, I didn't feel much shorter, but I looked down anyways. Yup. I was right. I was now a wolf, with a tail and a snout and everything! I started wagging my fluffy tail with excitement! I thought about becoming myself. Feeling myself shape shifting, I opened my eyes to see my paws turn into my hands and I felt my tail slowly disappearing. Ok, enough messing around, I need to find whoever's in that ocean temple.


I FINALLY MADE IT AND I'M SO TIRED. I found AN ocean temple. Not THE ocean temple. AN ocean temple. I honestly will be SO salty if this isn't the right ocean temple. I had decided to shift into a guardian so that I can swim quicker than normally without struggling cause let's be honest nobody likes to swim for their life. I swam into the ocean temple giving a polite gurgle to some other guardian, when he gurgled back without attacking me, I entered the temple. I decided to go to the treasure room and replace the gold blocks with myself until I could come up with a good plan on how I was going to get the person who I'm supposed to revive and then get out of here.

  When I got to the treasure room I realized that there was no way that I could use a pickaxe with my fins. So I turned back into myself and busted my iron pickaxe into the prismarine blocks. I suddenly felt a sharp pain(A/N ERRRR WORD 666 PAIN) in my back and realized that being myself meant getting shot in the back by laser beams. Once I got through, I immediately went inside and blocked the hole I had made.

  Whipping my forehead, I turned around, realizing that I wasn't suffocating between prismarine and gold blocks. It must have been raided already, I decided. However, what I saw next made my jump out of my shoes with a smile on my face.

AYYYYYYYYYYYYY DERE U GO FOLKS!!!!! Ok I'll stop being hyper now. Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction for the Pack! So please leave a (like XD) vote, and be sure to comment plots and ideas for this fanfiction!!

Also, what did Ikky Vikky see that surprised him so much?

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