Chapter 6 : Talking To A Piece of String And A Rock Named Jake

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~Mitch's POV~

"So you're telling me... that half the Pack is dead, and half the Pack is revived, and now we have to revive the other half of the Pack according to a prophecy that also says that we have to defeat Herobrine, who is somehow back from the dead." I said. I was still really confused.

"Err- Yeah that's about right." Lachlan responded. He had finally stopped crying about his eyes.

"Oh my goodness." I sighed. "So where to next?"

"Well the prophecy says 'Large group of trees', so we're assuming that means a jungle. If Lachlan drew the map correctly-"

"Which I did" Lachlan cuts Vikk off.

"Then the village we came from is that way," Vikk said, pointing left and behind us. "and the jungle is that way." He continued, pointing in front of us.

"Wow, and the secret identity thing?"

"You can be Ryan," Lachlan replied, grinning.

"YEAH!! I'M BATMAN!!" I yelled, laughing

"NO YOU'RE RYAN!!" Vikk laughed.

"OH NOS!!" Lachlan screamed, joining the mess.

Once we settled down a bit more, I decided it's about time I figured out what I could do, I remembered one thing. That was it. Apparently, Vikk and Lachlan were thinking the same thing, because suddenly Lachlan asked,

"Hey Mitch, do you remember your powers?"

"Ha, I was just about to ask!" Vikk laughed. Jezz, we sure were laughing a lot, not complaining or anything, but still. Lol.

"All I remember is one thing... that's it."

"Well what is it?" Lachlan asked, getting quite excited.

"I'm gonna show you!" I chuckled, looking for a pebble. Once I found one, I crouched down to it and told it to float up in the sky, and lightly hit Vikk on the head.

"Woa- Ow... Mitch... Why?" Vikk asked, trying to sound offended. Lachlan was laughing so hard that he choked. Now it was my turn to start laughing as Vikk huffed in defiance.

"Rock, turn into a giant pointed rock and stab the ground, then turn into a piece of string." I commanded the rock. And it did so. "Piece of string show me the rest of my powers." The string got longer, split into many pieces, then started floating and creating words in the air.

You, Mitchell Hughes, can stop time, enchant objects, and command objects to do whatever you please.(A/N Am I making Mitch to OP? XD)

"Ohh... wow. Ok then. I didn't think that that would work."

"So your power is based off of, magic? Reality? Err..." Vikk said

Magic, yes

"Oh thank you piece of string." Vikk replied. (A/N Yes. I am making them talk to a piece of string.)

Call me Jake

"Oh, ok, thank you Jake." Lachlan said, clearly questioning his sanity.

"Jake go back to being an average rock," I said. Before we knew it, Jake was a rock again.

"Did we just..." Lachlan started.

"Yeah we..." Vikk continued.

"Talked to a rock that was also a piece of string named Jake." I ended.

"How about, we continue to the jungle, revive whoever's there, and never talk about this again." Lachlan suggested.

"Ditto," Vikk and I said in unison, chuckling at that perfect timing.

"Let's go guys." I nodded.


"Ayy! The jungle! Tree turn into a horse that is saddled, loves me, and has diamond horse armor." I said with a flat voice to a random tree. I got a white horse. Those are the fastest, but the weakest right?

"Oh boy," Vikk sighed.

"YES!! I'm gonna name you Leaf!!" I yelled to the horse. Then Lachlan jumped on Leaf and rode into the jungle. "NO LACHLAN YOU DARUDE SANDSTORMER!!" I screamed at him.


"Oh my gosh, the people I spend my life with." Vikk smiled.


"So there are people who that forsaken Notch sent to defeat me..." I whispered.

"Yes sir." The enderman spy replied, keeping his head down.

"And their names are Choco and Kenny?"


"Keep a good eye on these two, boys?"


"Okay, keep an eye on them, I want No OnE thinking that they can defeat me. Especially a duo of two FoOliSh TEeNaGErS."

"I will command a small unit of your mobs to make sure that these boys do not get in your way sir." The enderman gurgled.

"YoU BetTeR" I yelled, anger taking over me. I will NOT let TWO SILLY BOYS get in MY way. I am HEROBRINE I will NEVER FALL.

I'm scared of my own character in a story. Wow. OK WELL SENPAI(@DarkDisco7 ) NOTICED ME AND I AM SO HAPPY!! :D *Gasps* Go read DarkDisco7's books k bye.

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