Chapter 3 : Umm Hi I Thought I Was Dead

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   I smiled at the figure in front of me, remembering every detail about him. His blonde hair, blue eyes, Australian accent, light skin, red hoodie, I could go on for a while.

"Hmm... How might one.... Pickaxe? That may destroy him... Hmmm" I huffed in frustration. How was I suppost to revive him? I reached out and touched the cool stone to inspect it, and as soon as I did, it was suddenly covered in a bright white light. I ducked my head down and shielded my eyes from the light, when it was over, I looked up. Then Lachlan blinked for the first time in Notch knows how long.

"Mmm... Where-I-Wha-Vikk? What?" Lachlan stuttered, confused.

"Hi Lachy!" I chirped, healing my back with my powers.

"Vikk, what's going on? Where are we? Am I alive? I thought I was-" He rambled until I cut him off.

"1. We have to revive the rest of the Pack and defeat Herobrine-"


"2. We're in an ocean temple," I stopped there, waiting for him to cut me off. "3. Yes you are alive. 4. Yes you were dead. Anything else?"

"Gimme a sec," Lachlan replied. I nodded, letting him have his time. What I said may have been short, but it's a lot to take in.

"So let me get this straight. We are in an ocean monument, and we need to revive the boys then defeat Herobrine who was said to be a myth but is actually real. And I'm alive. Correct?"

"Yup" I said, popping the p. "You remember your powers?"

"We had- oh yeah, no, I don't"

"Well all I did was scream 'Earth do something' as loud as I could and I discovered mine," I replied.

"Umm... Ya... I'm not doing that." Lachlan said. "Universe, if your listening please use my powers to do something cool." 

"That works too, ok then." I laughed. Then suddenly water started leaking in from the sides of the prismarine blocks. I met Lachlan's eyes, then looked down at the water. Suddenly, the water flew up and formed a bubble like circle  in front of Lachlan who's eyes widened. He reached his hand out and held it in front of the water, seemingly concentrating. He then moved his hand left, and the bubble of water moved with it. We both grinned. He put his hands together, then spread then apart. The water became 2 bubbles. Lachlan squealed in joy.

"Great, you can just part the sea, I brought these potions of water breathing for nothing!" I laughed.

"Wait, hold on a sec," He continued. He closed his eyes and suddenly, the water became ice. "I can control the tempature!!" Lachlan exclaimed.

"That's so cool!! Maybe you can even breathe underwater!!" I squealed. Bad idea. He melted the ice, took a deep breath, and stuck his head in the water. I should have seen that coming. It was Little Lachy after all. He released his breath, and took another one. And did it again. And again.

"I can breathe underwater!!" He yelled. Wait. He yelled. What?!?! But he's underwater.

"OH MY GOSH YOU CAN!!" I exclaimed. As Lachlan took his head out of the water without a drop of water on his head, I suddenly remembered the items I had found in that town I raided. "OH, here." I said giving him an iron, a hoodie, some food, an iron pickaxe, an iron shovel, a full set of iron armor, and some torches. "Oh and also, there's a whole prophecy thing that we have to do. It tells us where we have to find the next person."

"Okay.... Umm... First of all thanks for the stuff. Second, mate, what is the prophecy?" He asked. So I recited the prophecy to him(A/N CAUSE I AIN'T GONNA COPY AND PASTE THE WHOLE THING OR REWRITE IT) while he ate a cookie.

"Chocolate chip?" He asked after I finished.

"I think so."

"These are really good."

"Ok." I laughed.

"So are we just gonna leave now?"

"Yeah. You swim to the surface and turn it to ice, I'll turn into a guardian and escape, just go in my direction." I replied.

"K" He said. Then he busted his pickaxe into the prismarine, and we set our plan into action.

~Lachlan's POV(A/N See? I told you it would change :D)~

  I leapt into the water, navigating my way out of the monument. Really, it felt like I was just flying while kicking my legs and moving my arms as if I was swimming. With the angry guardians trying to kill me of course. Once I got to the top, I froze the water underneath me. I looked around and saw a lone guardian swimming to my left. That must be Swagstar123. I thought. So I made a long path of ice in that direction and followed him to land.

Sorry Lachlan's POV was so short, but what do you guys think? Who's do you think is going to be revived next? I hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter (877 words) and I either won't update this book as often, or that's all I'm gonna do, cause I caught a cold and I can't go to school, but anyways, bye! Also word 666 was laughed.

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