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A/N So, instead of a roleplay chapter, I decided to write a little part between We're In This Together and A New Generation!

~ Victor's POV ~

    I walked over to the garden and sat down next to a blue and red flower patch, my Grandpa Vikk's personal favorite. Staring at a lone flower bud, I concentrated on making it bloom. When I opened my eyes, I let out a little 6 year old sigh in disappointment, as I heard soft footsteps in the grass behind me. An aged hand reached out before me and lightly brushed the bud of the young flower. A seemingly wise and powerful green aura surrounded the bulb, which caused it to swell into a beautiful, healthy, crimson blossom.

"You can't just concentrate on your energy, Little Sprout. You must focus on the beauty of creation, and what you're creating in the first place." Grandpa Vikram informed me, softly rubbing my head, as I leaned into his comforting touch.

"Vikky, he's six, he doesn't understand what you're saying. Most of us didn't even know we had powers at that age." Grandpa Lachlan chuckled, Lillian running after him. I gasped in excitement and got up to greet Lilly. She was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and and a dark blue sweater, along with, of course, her lucky necklace, a fitting outfit for the slowly approaching slightly chilly autumn season.

"Hey Victor!" She squealed, smiling brightly. Waving, I let her chase me around the garden, as we dashed around in a game of tag.

"AH!! LOOK OUT!!" Screeched a high pitched voice.

"I GOT HER!! I GOT HER!!" Screamed a slightly lower voice. Recognizing the voices to be our friends, Rebecca and Patrick, Lillian and I jumped out of Patrick's way, while Rebecca fell out of the sky. Patrick ran to catch her, but that ended with her falling onto of him.

"Are you two okay?" Grandpa Robert asked, soaring near to the ground.

"Touchdown..." Patrick whimpered. I laughed and knelled down next to them with my hands outstretched. Knowing that this was the only part of my power I knew how to control, I focused my mind on channeling the healing energy that lied within my being. I released the energy from my hands and forced it onto Patrick and Rebecca's bodies.

"Thanks." Rebecca whispered.

"Yeah!" Patrick laughed a little.  I laughed with him, but I still panting a little, drained from  the strain of using my power when my body still isn't very developed yet. After all, I'm still six, just like the rest of my friends.

"Hey! What happened down there?" Grandpa Jerome yelled from the top floor, the second floor, of the summer cabin that we were living in for now. It was the middle of the year, and Grandpa Preston and Patrick had arranged a temporary peace treaty with the mobs in the area so that the Pack and the Pride could take a break from living in the Capital for a couple of weeks. During that couple of weeks, it appears that Rebecca and Grandpa Rob decided to practice crash landing for a few days.

"I think an over sized bird fell into pool of lava and the lava was happy about it for some reason, and then a Minecraftian helped the over sized bird and the pool of lava." Michael called back.

"WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Lillian panicked.

"I... Just teleported here." Michael shrugged.

"Don't scare me like that sorcerer." Lillian growled.

"Heh... Sorry Lil." Michael smirked, rubbing the back of his neck. Lillian simply grumbled in response.

"Are you guys good or what?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah were good! Well, most of us are... Lillian might not ok." Rebecca laughed.

"I'm fine." Lillian mumbled.

"Ok! I'm coming down!" Jennifer replied. She jumped out the window and on to a tree before gripping on to the bark for dear life. "Uh, Grandpa? What do I do now?"

"Sink your claws into it as if you were climbing down a cliff!" Grandpa Jerome instructed. Jennifer clawed the trees and, not so skillfully, climbed down the tree, landing awkwardly. She ended up with her one arm behind her head and her legs were in painful looking positions.

"Are you  good?" I asked, my face paling a little.

"Not really..." She laughed. The rest of us laughed with her. Man... I love these guys.


Thank you to everyone who has read my book for supporting me as an author and as a person! I love y'all and I hope that you all have an amazing and blessed day and night! I couldn't have made it this far without you guys so, again, thank you. Bye!

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