Chapter 22 : A New Hope

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A/N Don't question the chickens in the picture cause, well, I don't know.

~Herobrine's POV~

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'THEY FaiLEd ?!" I screeched, rage and disappointment boiling up inside of me as the wither skeleton stumbled back a pace. "HoW CoULD mY BesT soiLdErs PosSIbLy FAiL?!"

"W-w-well m-my Lord-d. U-um..." The wither skeleton stuttered. Trembling with fear, the pathetic general whimpered helplessly. I groaned in discomfort. This "Pack" was giving me a headache. Maybe they really are a threat... NO!! I SHALL NEVER THINK LIKE THAT!! I AM THE ALMIGHTY HEROBRINE!! I thought to myself.

"Well spit it out already." I growled.

"They have a dragon on their side my Lord." The creature whimpered. I sighed. This is more difficult than I thought it would be. I thought to myself. They're probably very weak.

"Send an army of mobs." I commanded.

~Mitch's POV~

After Vikk healed all of our wounds, he passed out. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to restore our energy due to fatigue. Since we all fought long and hard, we were all tired and Preston was still asleep with Rob making sure that he was ok. I sighed, combing my hair with my hand. If that was hard, how will the fight with Herobrine go? I wondered.

"Guys, I think we should head back. It's already night." Jerome said, looking up the sky.

"It's to late, the gates will close in 10 minutes and we'll get there in 15 minutes." Lachlan sighed.

"Then it looks like we're camping out tonight." Rob said. Then he squinted. "Hey what's that?"

"What's what?" I asked.

"That glow over there..." He trailed off, trying to see what's emitting the glow.

"Maybe somebody's lost." Lachlan shrugged. "I'll go see!"

He ran off towards the glow, leaving us all wondering if someone should go after him. Finally, Jerome sighed, getting up.

"Somebody's gotta go." He mumbled, walking after Lachlan. He then fell as Lachlan practically body slammed him.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" He yelled. We all ducked as about 10 fireballs went past us.

"What was that?!" I asked.

"Herobrine's army is here, and they sure don't wanna surrender yet!!" Lachlan panicked. My eyes widened as I raised my bow, aiming at what must be blazes. I fired, using my pure accuracy to strike the blazes. This isn't good. We're all tired and two of us are passed out. I looked at Rob, who was protecting Preston, and Lachlan, who was protecting Vikk.

"Are they waking up anytime soon?" I asked.

"No, defiantly not." Jerome shook his head. I shot arrow after arrow, using my powers to multiply them. Little Lachy and Sparkz did the best that they could to protect us, but there were just to many mobs. If only Vikk had the energy to restore our energy, we would be able to take them on... I thought. Just as I thought that.

"HEY BACK OFF!!" I heard a voice call out. Suddenly, a girl who appeared to be in her teens dove at a blaze, stabbing it in the face with her diamond sword. Then she back flipped off of a creeper, decapitating it with her sword. Then she beat up a zombie, pulled her sword out of the creeper and disarmed a skeleton before killing it. She lit some TNT and threw it at a large group of mobs. She jumped and kicked a wither skeleton in the face which carved in. Helping the girl take out the mobs, we all pitched in on defeating Herobrine's army. Once we were safe, it was already day and all of us were panting. The girl turned around, looking confused. "Hey what were all of those random things that were killing the mobs and why were they all attacking you?" She looked at Vikk and Preston who were stirring. "And what happened to them?"

"We were attacked by Entity303, Null, and Dreadlord. The random stuff was our superpowers. No joke." I panted.

"But those 3 died years ago!" she said. Lachlan shrugged.

"Herobrine brought them back." Jerome said as Preston groaned, waking up.

"And you guys have superpowers?" She asked.

"Yeah... Sorry who are you?" Rob asked.

"Oh yeah! Where are my manners? I'm Shadow Viper, but call me Shadow. Oh and in case you were wondering I'm 14." Shadow said. She had long black hair with pink tips, brown eyes, and fair skin. Shadow wore a white tee that said "Girls Rule" and black ripped jeans. She also had a black hoodie tied around her waist.

"Noice! We're the Pack." Lachlan said.

"Lachlan that's not an introduction." Vikk, who was now awake, says. He introduced us, motioning to each of us in turn. "I'm Vikk. That's Lachlan, that's Preston, that's Rob, that's Jerome, and that's Mitch."

"Cool, nice to meet ya." Shadow said.

"Dude those skills though!! That was sick!" Lachlan said.

"What skills?" Preston asked.

"Sorry Lava P. You were passed out, so you didn't see anything. Basically we got attacked by Herobrine's army and Shadow saved our butts." I explained. Vikk frowned.

"I wish I could have helped." Vikk sighed.

"You did Ikky Vikky! If it weren't for your healing powers we would be d-e-a-d dead!" Lachlan exclaimed happily.

"I guess so." He smiled softly at Lachlan, who just started jumping like a hyper toddler. (A/N Just picture it though. Lachlan jumping up and down for no reason while smiling like a little kid.)

"Sorry, we're really immature." Preston laughed.

"Nah don't worry about it. All of my friends are the same way." Shadow said."Who's the dragons?"

"This is Sparkz, and this is Little Lachy." Rob said.

"A pleasure." Little Lachy said.

"Hi!" Sparkz yipped.

"Whoa!! You speak dragon?" Shadow asked Lachlan, who had translated the dragons' speech.

"Heh. Yeah." Lachlan chuckled.

"Well after that attack, let's see Herobrine stop us now!" I grinned.

"What do you mean?" Shadow asked.

"Oh yeah, we didn't tell you yet." Rob laughed nervously. We explained everything to her from beginning to end. In these moments, I realized everything that we've been through, and that we've grown a lot on this journey. I also realized that we were going to make Herobrine pay for all of the pain that he's caused, and nothing will stop us because we're in this fight together.

Well that's it for this chapter guys!! I hope that you enjoyed it!! It was a lot of fun to write and in case you were wondering, Shadow Viper is the OC of Lynn_Nat123!! For some reason Wattpad isn't letting me tag people >:(. Ok bye.

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