Chapter 7 : I Know That You Might Kill Me, But I Shall Now Hug You

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A/N Imagine Mitch as Jerome, and Jerome as Mitch in the picture. Ditto? Ditto.

~Lachlan's POV~

I rode "Leaf" through the entire jungle, heading towards the middle like the prophecy says we should. With Mitch occasionally trying to get Leaf back. I'm pretty sure that he would try to push me off every 5 minutes. I almost fell once.

"Are we almost there?" Mitch complained.

"Lachlan this forest is a lot bigger than you drew it."

"Well, it's a small piece of paper Vikk," I laughed. He giggled (A/N Do boys giggle? Idk.). Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes. "What was that?" I asked.

"I heard it too." Mitch says in an 'I've seen things, so I'm not concerned' kind of tone.

"Well- we all- heard- it, so- it could- be- something-" Vikk said, attempting to meet Mitch's tone.

"Pebble, knock out whatever's behind that bush." Mitch said. As expected, a pebble shot straight at the bush, and a figure popped out, and assuming it was a guy by the hair length, short, he was passed out. As not expected, a small group of people popped out and started attacking us.

"Wait what?" Mitch yelped as I slid off of Leaf.

"Oh umm... hi," Vikk said, locking swords with one of the assassin's. Vines were already wrapping around an assassin's neck. Giant cubes of ice started forming in front of me out of water I had summoned. I was ready to smash, and hopefully kill, one of the assassins. Two of the attackers were already dead on the floor with giant spiked rocks pinning them down, the work of Mitch. Once they were all dead or unconscious, I took a look around. "There was only six of them?" Vikk asked.

"Wow people really underestimate us!" Mitch smirked, stabbing the unconscious assassin in the heart. I stared at the now-dead-assassin that Mitch just stabbed.

"Savage Mitchell," I chuckled. He just laughed darkly.

"Guys, do you think that those assassins were sent by Herobrine? Cause it's gonna take more than that to take us down!" Vikk said cockily.

"They probably were. But now they're dead. So now it doesn't matter." I smiled.

"The people I hang out with," Mitch said with his eyes closed, a smile on his face, and two fingers on his forehead. Vikk suddenly slid onto Leaf, who snorted in discomfort.

"MINE NOW!!" He shouted.

"NOO!!" I gawked back. "At least I won't push you over every five minutes!"

"Oh cmon, I wasn't that bad!" Mitch pouted, a smile tugging at his lips.

"You know you were," I elbowed him playfully. We walked deeper into the jungle and entered a small clearing, with, you guessed it(A/N No. Lachlan. Lachlan, LACHLAN THE 4TH WALL!!!), a statue of our good ol' bacca.

"JEROME!!" Mitch yelled, running to hug the statue of his best friend.

"WAIT MITCH!" I yelled. Vikk was already shielding his eyes from the light, and I ducked my head. When we heard Mitch yelp in pain, we knew that we did good.

"OH! NOW I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO LACHLAN WHEN I WAS REVIVED!! OH GOSH!" Mitch screamed, covering his eyes.

Then I roar ripped out that I will never forget. Then the animal that caused it was tackled by Mitch in a hug.

"JEROME!!" Mitch screamed.

"Wait, Mitch? HEY BUDDY!!" Jerome exclaimed, hugging Mitch back.

"Well that escalated quickly," I muttered under my breath.

"Wait what's going on? I thought that we were dead!" Jerome said.

"Well Ikky Vikky is gonna explain that to you biggums, cause I'm still just as confused as you are." Mitch stated. So as Vikk explained, and re-explained, everything to Mitch and Jerome, I sat on a small rock, keeping an eye out for more cheeky assassins that were sent out by Herobrine. "Okay, I think I get it now."

"So, recap, Herobrine is back from the dead, we were revived, according to some prophecy we have to revive Poofless, and Herobrine knows who we are, and where we are?!" Jerome asks in confusion.

"Yup, dat be correct Jay-rome." I replied.

"Wow, umm, ok then." He said, probably still getting over that he was dead a few minutes ago.

"So Jerome, do you remember your powers?" Vikk asked, jumping in excitement.

"Baccas have bad memories." Jerome stated.

"Well, Vikk and I just yelled out for the world to do something, and it worked, so..." I suggested, rubbing the back of my neck.

"LIFE DO SOMETHING!!" Jerome roared, busting my eardrums.

"First I was blind, now I'm deaf," Mitch sighed.

"Ditto," I said, rubbing the left side of my face.

"Excuse me, what? I couldn't seem to hear you. I think I'm deaf." Vikk joked.

"Sorr-" Jerome was suddenly cut off by lightning striking multipul trees simultaneously, but there were no clouds in the sky. We all looked around. Herobrine?! I thought to myself, hoping I was wrong. Then it happened again. "Hey wait a minute," Jerome paused, the lightning struck again, "I did that!"

"Ohh..." Vikk, Mitch and I said in unison.

"Well then, umm, nobody was scarred of that. NOBODY." I tried to cover up. We all just laughed.

Hey guys! My dad's been giving me a lot of things to do lately and school is going to start up again so updates are unfortunately going to drop down to 1-2 every other day D: Sorry guys.

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