Chapter 13 : Get Out Of My Way

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~Lachlan's POV~

"Stop right there intruders." A deep voice said behind me. Rob's in front of me, Vikk is next to me, Mitch can't pull off that tone of voice, and that doesn't sound like Jerome's growl. Oh no... I thought, turning around. I was greeted by the sight of 5 wither skeletons, 5 zombie pigmen, and 10 blazes.

"If we run, they'll tell Herobrine. If we fight them, we may die." Vikk whispered loud enough for us to hear.

"If Herobrine knows that we're here, things will only get worse. There's probably already a ton of mobs guarding Preston." Mitch whispered, looking very frustrated.

"We should fight some of them, and run away. We can act weak and try to make them come after us while we heal up. Then we'll fight the others. We'll have to go after the blazes, they're the long range attackers." Rob said.

"What if Vikk and I die? Our powers are useless!!" I whisper shouted. Vikk coughed to get my attention, a green aura surrounding his fingers.

"Besides Vikk's healing power..."

"Thank you Lachy." Vikk smiled, being very satisfied with my acknowledgement. I rolled my eyes playfully as the green aura around his fingers disappeared.

"Well, maybe you cool see if there's any moisture in the Nether and attack the blazes with it?" Jerome said in a questioning tone.

"And if there isn't?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh..." Rob started. "Dodge attacks and distract?"

"Ok fine." I sighed.


~Rob-a-Dob-Flob's POV~

  I flew at one of the blazes, tackling it to the ground and stabbing it's face with my sword. The first move was made, now for the rest. Turning around, I rolled to the side and onto the rough nether bricks, dodging a, wither skeleton's stone sword. Locking swords with the charred skeleton, I looked to my left to see Lachlan concentrating really hard, as if he were absorbing every molecule of water that exists in the Nether. Vikk was covering Lachlan with fighting techniques that I had no idea how to do and I wasn't gonna try to memorize them now. Mitch was spamming arrows at the mobs using pure skill and accuracy, careful not to hit us. Although, he did seem to be aiming at this one zombie pigman that was clearly annoying him. Jerome was, well, being Jerome and using his claws, teeth, and practically body to rip every single mob in his way apart. He also occasionally whipped out Betty to smash into a blaze's face.

I turned my sword left, disarming the wither skeleton. It clacked it's bones in anger and I stuck my sword across it's body from it's right shoulder to the left side of it's waist. It stared at menacingly as it fell to the floor and died. Dodging a fireball from an angry blaze, I ran straight at the fiery mob and jumped at it, doing a 360 and kicking it in the face. However, my land wasn't graceful and I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. That can't be good. I thought, slicing a zombie pigman that was running towards Vikk in the back. I'll just walk it off for now.

Then, out of no where, a medium size bubble of water flew at the blaze next to me and I practically stared at it in curiosity. After that... I stared directly at Lachlan. The tall blonde was paler than usual and looked like he was going to faint. Lachlan was sweating from head to toe as he collapsed onto the thick blocks of nether bricks. Oh gosh, Vikk is busy with that skeleton over there and the rest of us don't have his healing ability. I thought to myself. I flew over to Little Lachy, impaling a blaze with my sword in the process. I landed next to Lachy Dachy, who had fainted, by now and checked his temperature, using my wings for a shield.

"Lachlan!? Cmon buddy!! Wake up!!" I panicked, slapping Lachy in the face a little bit. I turned towards the boys. We had picked off most of the blazes and there weren't many other mobs left now. Currently, the mob count is 3 blazes, 1 wither skeleton, and 2 zombie pigmen. Ok, make that 2 blazes because Jerome just bit a poor blaze's face. Gross. How does he do that? I mean, yeah he's a bacca, but still! That's disgusting!! I gagged. Mitch was already picking off the last two zombie pigmen and Vikk was charging at the single wither skeleton who looked quite frustrated with the tough loss it appeared that it would have. Abandoning Lachlan, I flew towards one of the blazes, my sword in hand. I frantically stabbed at the blaze's face as it made sounds of rage. I could hear Mitch chuckling a bit and once the blaze was dead, it fell to the floor. I kept my wings up though, I didn't want to fall down.

"Wow Rob, what did the blaze ever do to you." Mitch cackled.

"It was in the way of my Preston." I pouted softly, making a sad face.

"POOFLESS!!!" Vikk and Mitch shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Welp, it was nice having ear drums while it lasted boys!!" Jerome exclaimed. I stuck my tongue out at them before looked at Lachlan who was still passed out.

"Vikk, it looks like someone needs your medical services!" I pointed at Little Lachy. He looked where I was pointing and gasped, dropping to his knees beside Lachlan. He put a hand on Lachlan's wrist and there was soon a green aura surrounding his hand as he healed Lachlan, giving him energy. Lachlan woke up with a start and gasped for breath.

"Yo what the fudge happened?!" He exclaimed, looking at us. I burst out laughing as Mitch face palmed. Jerome just stood there blinking cluelessly and Vikk collapsed in relief that Lachlan wasn't dead.

"Cmon Lachy, let's go find Preston." I chuckled, dragging Vikk down one of the warm, quiet hallways of Herobrine's Nether Fortress.

Wow!! 1029 words. I need to make these chapters longer. Seriously. Well I don't have much to say here so thank you guys all for reading this chapter and I hope you all enjoyed this one!! Ok bye. (Yes, "Ok bye." is my official outro.)

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