Chapter 20 : Something Worth Protecting

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Ok... I'm done with making Lachlan translate everything... So the whenever the dragons say something, it's actually Lachlan talking.

~Jerome's POV~

We decided to go to the West Kingdom of Dragons, hoping that Herobrine wasn't there on another attempt to persuade the Queen to join his side. Lachy told us that the kingdom wasn't far from here, but we've been traveling for 3 days.

"Umm, so, when are we getting there? I mean, we've been traveling for a while..." Mitch asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean Mitch? We're already here!" Lachlan said, motioning to a large, barely visible, green gate.

"Woah..." Preston whispered as the gates swung open, courtesy of Little Lachy's left head.

Beyond the gates was a gorgeous dragon paradise. It seemed to have flowers of every kind and color! It's rivers and waterfalls ran with crystal clear water, filling up large lakes. Those lakes were homes to many water dragons. Speaking of dragons, they filled the clear sky, covered the luscious ground, and inhabited caves everywhere. At the very back of it all, was an enormous cave that almost looked majestic! I could see gleaming crystals growing out of the walls and ceiling of the large dragon home. Young dragons play-wrestled with their mothers supervising them happily. Worker dragons carved new caves for young adult dragons. Guard dragons spotted us and gently flew down to greet Little Lachy, Sparkz and us, their companions. A squad of dragons seemed to have just returned from a hunt, bringing in their catch of big, plump, pigs. I couldn't believe my large, dark eyes as I marveled over the vast area, it was utterly beautiful!

"Prince Lachy! Sir. Welcome back. It is good to see you again. Ah! Sparkz! Have you found success in finding your family yet?" A large, blue, armored dragon asked. Sparkz shrunk down a little.

"Err... Well... Not yet Aquan... I... Uhh, well-" Sparkz stuttered.

"We had no success Aquan. However, we will keep trying to find this young dragon's kin until they have been reunited." Little Lachy stepped in, his large wing hugging a very timid Sparkz. He then nodded to us. "Now, we have guest. So if you would please make room for our six companions here."

"Thanks Lachy..." Sparkz whimpered, nuzzling Little Lachy's scales.

"Gee thanks Lachy, Sparkz! Has anything changed since I was last here?" Lachlan asked.

"The wool beds are much more comfortable, and they come in different colors. We also have bunk bed rooms if you order one. We also have room service." Lachy listed off. Bunk beds? Room service? Huh. It's so peaceful here that it's almost hard to believe that Herobrine is back from... Wherever he came from and that the six of us are back from the dead! I thought.

"Well we'll gladly take a bunk bed room! I CALL TOP!!" I yelled out.

"RACE YOU BIGGUMS!!" Mitch yelled, taking off.

"NOT SO FAST MITCH!!" I challenged, racing after him.

"DO YOU GUYS EVEN KNOW WHERE THE ROOMS ARE?!" We heard Vikk question as we stopped in our tracks. We looked back at him nervously and shrugged. Everyone except Vikk laughed. He sighed and muttered, "Of course you don't."

"That's Merome for ya Vikk!" Preston teased.

"What did you expect?" Rob laughed. Vikk smirked. Oh no... What's he got up his sleeve? I asked myself.

"Well Lachlan knows where the dragon hotel is here." Vikk said with a cheeky grin. "Race ya."

Before I knew it, Vikk's body shifted into a new form. Vikk had become a full size nature dragon and Lachlan hopped on his back. They flew at full speed towards what I assumed to be the dragon hotel, Lachlan guiding Vikk.

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