Michael in the bathroom

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   So while writing this I'm at a party and just finished reading two VERY dramatic boyf riends books. So I guess everyone of these chapters is going to be a complete mess cause I'm still crying I thought the books were going to be cute and fluffy but I was so wrong Michael gets murdered in one them Jeremy kills himself and let's just say I WAS NOT PREPARED THAT WAS TO MUCH FOR ME LIKE DAMN. So if anyone has some cute and fluffy boyf riends books where Christine is not the villain like please stop making Christine the one who wants to ruin the relationship because we all know she ships boyf riends and is gay for Jenna/Brooke. So on a lighter note Jeremy is a furry and is a raging bisexual/pansexual. Oh thank goodness I think we're leaving I can come out of the bathroom and stop humming Michael in the bathroom. Welp it's a two player ga(y)me I was helpless helpless I do a do a do helpless. So Mr no named kid I'll send you pictures of the most amazing trees.

Sorry I'm musical trash but hey voltron. I'm also trying to get into falsettos because why not. But hey I'm willing to wait for it.

Also hey Magicalthewolf take a squip
Jk but you're my favorite person and we're never not gonna be a team

I miss my son Jared aka a science project me and Magicalthewolf worked on and I miss my son he was so glittery

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