Chapter 3

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Cassie P.O.V.

What better place to start than at the source?

"One of us has to manipulate Seth!" I said to them.

"I'm not to sure about this Cas," That was expected from Kim. Every time we're on a case she starts to panic.

"If the internet doesn't have anything, we have to go to the source.....Seth himself," I really tried to reason with Kim.

"So Cas whose going to be doing this manipulating?" Tiffany asked me as if she didn't already know the answer.

"Me!" I responded, "Isn't it I who do the manipulating in our cases and isn't it you Kim who do the hacking and isn't it you

Tiff who puts the bits and pieces together?!" Then they all nodded.

"Okay so we start this investigation first thing tomorrow," Kim said to us and we all agreed. "But Cass, you start today."

I just agreed cause I would've gone anyways.

I was happy about my part...getting to talk to Seth and being near him.. but now I'm more than scared because he could do anything me if he realizes what I'm trying to do.

Seth P.O.V.

  All day I've been looking for Cassandra. There's something about her that tells me I need to have a talk with her. And not just any talk a long talk with her.

"Hey Thomas, have you seen Cassandra anywhere?" he was like the fourteenth person I've asked. "Oh yeah ,I last saw her in the library with her friends umm ...Kimberly and Tiffany." Then he walked away.

Finally someone helpful. For sure I doubt she'd be in the library cause according to my school guide it closed like and hour ago.

I was about to call it a day when I started to hear my name faintly being called from down the hallway,only to see exactly who I needed to see again.

Cassie P.O.V.

I watched as Seth turned around to face me and smiled. It's almost like he was happy it was I who was calling.

"Hey Cassandra, I've been looking for you," that was so weird me too.

"Hey really, well here I am looking for you too."

*awkward silence*

"It's now lunch, do you want to come to Subway with me?" he asked. Wait it's only lunchtime? Oh yeah, break was too long ago.

"Sure umm so subway or cab?"

"How about....none!" I was confused at this point.

"So we're going to walk?"

"Not that either."

We were now in the school car park. I did what all students must do before leaving the compound, go let the watchman give you a pass.

"Ours is number 23."

"Okay so we're like the twentythird persons to leave the school?"

"Uh huh."

"So I ask you, how are we getting there?"

"In my ride babygurl." I was not freaking out over his ride I was because he called me babygurl. I might have a chance. The plan I have was to become his gf so that it will be easier to get info out of him.

"Which one is it?"I asked.


There were three vehicles in the column where he brought me.

A mini suzuki, a chevrolet cruz and a white bugati.

Remembering from my info I would have said bugati but instead I said, "The cruz."

Then he pulled out his car keys and the bugati's lights lit up.

I knew it! Just as I suspected.

"So you're like really rich?" I asked as if I didn't know already.

"Well I don't like to boast about my life and reputation, but my mom's a crime investigator and my dad's the head of all the attorneys in the crime scene investigating. "

"So they kinda like work together?"

"Yeah sorta, when my mom gets info on a case my dad takes it to an attorney of his choice and they build a case one by one."

"Cool"  *mental notepad*

He then opened the front passenger for me and I entered kinda feeling myself. He then ran to the other side and started the vehicle.

"Seatbelts." He said to me.

Then we were driving on the main street at 250 mph. All through the drive I could not help myself but to stare as his biceps were right in view and his soft silky hair was blowing like a maniac in the wind. He once or twice sneaked a glimpse at me but I didn't mind.

Seth P.O.V.

I can't believe how easy it was to get her to go with me. I guess she likes me more than I like her.

I pulled over at Subway and turned to face Cassandra who apparently was watching me the entire ride.

"Hey Cassandra, can I call you Cassie?"

"Umm sure."

"Okay Cassie, let's head inside."

As we were walking something happened to me, it gave me the urge to want to hold her hand and that's exactly what I did. It was so soft and warm. Then I noticed her watching me now. Was I not supposed to do that? I guess not because she held my hand even tighter.

"So what do you want to order, it's on me."

"Nah that's okay, I didn't carry my purse for nothing." Was her response. I love her already. Most boys want a girl who could take care of themselves.

"I'll take a 6" Italian bread with ham and bacon, cucumbers,lettuce, tomato and mayo." was what I heard her say to the man behind the counter.

My turn.

"I'd like a foot long Parmesan with turkey bacon, lettuce, tomato, jalapenos and mayo."

"Wanna eat in my car?" "We'll be able to talk in private, that's if you want to."

"Sure, I'm up that."

Kim P.O.V.

*after school*

"Hey Hans where's Cassie? she's been gone from since lunchtime and she missed afternoon class."

"And so has Seth!"

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