Chapter 5

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Cassie P.O.V.

He took me to this really dark room in the left corner of the corridor.

"Where are we going Seth!" I was now more than panicking."I'm really scared now and I'm freaking out!"

He never answered. I wasn't even sure he was still next to me because I couldn't even see his silhouette but I knew he was there, he was still holding my hand.

"We're here." he said to me and then there was light.

This room was way past creepy especially for me because the walls were filled with pictures of me. Pictures from when I was about one year old, I could tell because they all have the tiny scar I've  had on the base of my neck from birth.

"What is all this?" I was close to tears.

"look Cas you're not safe and I'm here to help you."

"What are you talking about!?" he was surely going boinkers now.

"You will soon find out, now is not a good time,"he continues,"It's time to go. Drink your juice."

I was not going to drink that. Last thing I wanted was to be poisoned by some hot, psycho, stalker!

"Why do you want me to drink it?"

"It's just a little juice made to make all your troubles go away. Trust me."

He hadn't tried to kill me so far, therefore I drank it. It was rather bitter and could have used a lot more sugar.

"Seth, I'm soo tired can I go home now?"

"Sure what ever you say." that was the last thing I remembered.It was the only thing I remembered.

Seth P.O.V.

I watched as she slowly dozed off into a deep sleep and complete memory loss. She would not remember me taking her to the room ever.

If only she would just understand that I am only trying to protect her, I would not have had to drug her.

I looked at my watch, it was now 1:36. Luckily I told her parents she was staying over helping me with our history assignment under adult supervision. I glanced to the back seat just to ensure she was still knocked out. This was totally feeling like kidnapping.

*At Cassie's house*

Alyssa(Cassie's mom) P.O.V.

I kept hearing constant knocking at my door so I hastily flung on my robe and scuttled down the flight of stairs.

"Hello!" "Is anybody home?" that voice did sound a bit familiar.

I unlatched the door to see my daughter being carried by a handsome young man.

"Well, hello, how can I help you?"

"Sorry to bother you Miss Joans, Cassie was over at my house working on the history assignment and then she was really tired and so I decided it was best if she stayed in her own bed tonight."

"Oh soo it's you I spoke with earlier!" "Her room's upstairs follow me."

I leaded him to the second floor to Cassie's room and watched as he placed her on the bed and left.

"Wait, what's you're name?"

"It's Seth."

"Well thank you, and goodnight Seth."

He got into his vehicle and drove off.

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