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* Troy P.O.V*

My dad constantly kept texting after Cassie and I kissed. I really don't know what was the big deal between him and her father.

Cassie is a really cool girl and I would hate myself the day she ever finds out who I really am. My real name is Troy Kingsly. My dad is the owner of Kingsly's Monetary Corp. I've known our dad's to be great friends just don't know what happened.

"Troy! Come in here a for sec." My dad called.

"Yeah what's up?"

"This...this is what's up!" he was pointing at his computer screen of a picture of me kissing Cassie.

"How did you get this?!" I was beyond furious now.

"I knew you would do something like this, so I hired a P.I."

"You did what?!" I couldn't believe that my own dad can't trust me that he hired someone to follow me!

"Troy, do you know what would happen if she found out the truth?" I nodded.

"Why did I have to get involved?" I questioned, "Why can't you just do it yourself?"

"Listen her father owes me a fortune and he made it crystal clear that I was to not go anywhere near his daughter and that's where you come in."

"Dad this is messed up!" I grabbed my keys and left in a storm.

"Troy! Where are you going?!"

"Don't expect me home for dinner!"

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