Chapter 2

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The Mystery Begins

*Kim P.O.V. *

All I could've done was to just stand there as my best friend walked away rather bothered. I knew there was nothing I could do to change her mind.

"Hey Hans, wanna go with me to the I.T. lab?"

"Why?"she said to me as if I were crazy.

"I think we need to do a little extra credit research on the new boy."

"Okay,I'm feeling yuh."

Hans and I got to the lab and searched a little on Seth. Surprisingly for an athletic hottie there was no record of him anywhere on the Internet, like he never even exists.

This was definitely weird.

"Kim, now search about this Crenshaw High, the school he went to." I did as I was told hoping it would lead us somewhere.

And it did!

"Okay Han, says here that Crenshaw High was found by the wealthiest man in Washington at the time in 1987 named Sir Hilligon Crenshaw."It continued.

"From since then on, Sir Crenshaw was determined that only wealthy ,extremely privileged students were to attend."

"This doesn't make any sense. If hot stuff was attending the best, most privileged school in Washington.....why would he transfer to a public school?"Hannah was making sense and I was getting a feeling that our team had to come together once again for another mystery.

Hannah P.O.V.

"We should probably go inform Cassie of this info," although I knew she wouldn't have taken us on, it was worth trying. Kim shut down and deleted our history so our tracks we're never there.

I,being forgetful of my surroundings, burst through the door and started shouting for Cassandra.

"Shhhh! Hannah were in the quite zone," Kimberly tried to bear patience with me I could tell.

We walked through every isle hoping to see her there.

Then we went to the study hall and there she was sitting by herself.

And by the way she just sat there staring at the book and I could tell she wasn't even bothering to read at all.

Cassie P.O.V.

I look up from my rather boring book and saw Kim and Hans walking towards me.

"What are two you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too!" I could tell I've now upset Hans. Her anger problem was getting worse.

"I'm sorry, I'm just all depressed-" and I was cut off by Kim. How rude!

"Bout your crush?"

"Well guess what!" she continued. " We did a little research on your Seth and turns out there's no info on him at all not even a pic from a social media profile."

"Yeah," Hans joined in. "And this Crenshaw High is like a top notch school where only privileged students go."

"And..."I did sound a bit rude.

"Really privileged students whose parents literally bathe tubs filled with money."

I was now getting the point.

"So what is he doing here?" I asked.

"That's the same thing we asked!" Kim said.

"Okay so this is actually going somewhere."

"Do you thinks it's a mystery Cas?"Hannah asked me and I knew what was coming next.

"No Han I'm not going to do it."

Her expression just dropped.

"Don't you want find out some more on this boy and the real reason he's here?"Kim questioned me and put me in such a deep thought.

I did want to know...

"But what if something goes wrong?"

"Since when has that happened Cas?" I knew she was right.

"Okay im in!"

And once again the Mystery Solving Trio (MST) was on case once again.

"So where should we start...?"Kim asked.

"I think I know exactly!" and I lead the group out.

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