introduction (important notices)

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Things to consider & remember;

1. A work of FICTION

2. Dean & Cas' sexuality's will change for purposes of the story

3. Sam will be two years younger not four

5. Nothing I write is intended to offend you personally

6. I'm Australian so I'll spell words differently & I will mention companies that might not be recognisable to you

7. Regarding 6 - I'm writing this for fun, so even though it's set in America, I'm writing in Australian terms (it's what I know & familiar with)

8. If you enjoy my story/chapter, please don't comment 'update' because it will actually slow down the process of me updating. I have to be in the mood to write & asking me to makes me not want to write

9. All 'hate' comments towards me or my writing or anyone else will be deleted.

10. Lowercase intended (starting from chapter 1)

THINGS YOU CAN COMMENT if you want to:

1. Feedback & Criticism (NOT judgement)
2. Reactions towards what the characters do or say
3. Positive things about my writing (i don't expect much of this lmao)

Thank you, Emily :)

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