chapter 42: anything can happen

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one month later
yeah so uhm, last chapter !!!

both dean and castiel have fallen for each other, it hasn't been mentioned though. they let their 'moments' go over their heads.

balthazar is officially friends with him again. they've been hanging out but everyone's concerned. his whole group senses something is bothering him like he doesn't love the idea of being with them.

he's allowed dean to introduce him to his friends, he hates them, except sam. charlie's okay but everyone else judges. he hates it.

sleepovers every weekend with dean is fun but it's been restricted to mattresses on the floor so they avoid the accidental cuddling issue.

they got an a on their english assignment. dean says it was because of cas but castiel doesn't think so. dean put in much more effort.

it's friday. after school sam, dean and him would grab a bite to eat and then drive home, maybe even go out at night.

castiel's been so swepped up in study, work and dean that he doesn't realise what the date is. checking the time on his phone for the first time makes him realise what today means.

he immediately goes to text gabriel.

are you home?

do you know what today is ?

gabe! answer me.

ok, ok. calm down,
it's ok.

i forgot.

i know and i didn't want to
mention it and ruin your day

are you home ?

no, lucifer and i are
about four hours away

can we still talk?

castiel is crying at this point, quietly. he's locked himself in the winchester's bathroom.

we're about to go out,

you're going to have
fun, on this day, wow.

it's called moving on
and i know it's harder
for you but there must be
someone else you can talk
to talk to

you know damn well,
there isn't.

he leaves it at that. he hates his brother for doing that to him, hate's that the anniversary of their mum's death makes him feel nothing.

it's bullshit.

he's sobbing louder now but he hopes sam, dean or their parents don't hear him. his hands covering his face, sitting in the corner of the bathroom.

the two knocks on the door and the following "cas, are you okay?" it's dean. luckily, he carries his notebook everywhere.

'yeah, i'm fine.'

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