My Favorite Book

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        I never knew Bob Ong until I read his "ABNKKBSNPLAKo". It is not the book that taught me how to read. It is not of course the first book I have read, but it is the first book that inspired me a lot to read more books and most of all, to write my own article. He is not the only author I knew, but his style of writing fits mine. It is not of course the book that taught me how to read. Bob Ong awakened my sleeping writing skill. For that, he became my favorite author, since then.

        Right after reading "ABNKKBSNPLAKo", I found myself rough drafting my educational autobiography, that is tackling the chronological events in my academic years as well as few and selected life accounts. While, his book talks about his schooling, mine covers my kindergarten experiences up to college life.


        Writing and reading are two things that occupied me, while Bob Ong poison lingers on me. I read and read the book as I write my autobiography. His antics and wit are great influences. I maybe could not adapt those but I was inspired to put some on my piece, which made some of my readers say that my literary work is BobOng-like. And, I never denied it. In fact, I always asked book lovers or book readers if they know Bob Ong. If they do, we talk about him and his books. If they don't, I would say no thing. They don't know perhaps one of the Filipino authors.

         A week later, I almost had written seven episodes of my educational autobiography. Every episode tackled one grade level. Before I pursue writing the next episode, I thought of title that best suits to my article. Ideas fill my mind. Titles are infinite. I considered long titles. Unique and intriguing titles are Bob Ong's trademark, thus I opted to give my work a title of "Pahilis", a word I used in the first episode and a word that describes my life.

         "ABNKKBSNPLAKo" is a superb literary piece, worth-reading. I could not remember how many times I peruse this book. One thing that makes me wonder at it is that every time I read it, I could get new writing ideas and I could feel even more connected to my idol and even more inspired. There are times when I thought he is me or I am him. It was really a fanaticism that did not put me to wrong direction, but it helps me find the right path to creative writing.

          "Pahilis" and "ABNKKBSNPLAKo" has something in common. They are both my favorite works. They changed me so much. They opened another prowess on me, as I started writing journals. I began writing daily accounts of my life and inserting some of my past experiences, not included in "Pahilis".

          Writing and reading did not end after having my manuscript of "Pahilis", I then started recommending both works to my friends and later to my pupils. Yes, I became a teacher! I can't deny that "ABNKKBSNPLAKo" somehow inspired me to take education units so that I could take Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

          Sound ridiculous, but it is true. Bob Ong and his book-- my favorite book of him, motivated me to go back to school. I  love going to school. And, the call for teaching was born because of "Pahilis". Since, my piece covered my educational experiences and anecdotes, I dreamt of being a teacher someday so I could understand students' behavior. Another goal is to use my writing prowess in teaching.

          Being a teacher is no easy task. It is actually a vocation. Thus, a week after I first I accepted the title, I found myself in distress. I blamed myself for gambling into depressive profession of all times, since I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce. I never did in a micro-business venture, but rather in educating youth, which I thought my calling.

          As a challenged one, I did not quit. Instead, I thought of ways how to love my professed task and how to change students' easy-go-luckiness and dying love for education. I used my favorite works to motivate them. First, I asked if they knew Bob Ong. They do! So, I introduced them my "Pahilis". Then, they immediately asked me to read some of the episodes. It made me proud of myself, seeing them touched and carried away by my autobiography and hearing them asking me to read more. If they made me cry when they let me feel that I am not an effective educator, because they showcase poor participation, I also made them cry when "Pahilis" episodes as they intently listened to it and as the essence entered their young hearts.

          "ABNKKBSNPLAKo" is undoubtedly a life-changing work. It has a heart. It inspires readers. It changes one's perspective. No wonder, Bob Ong is a well-known contemporary writer. His pieces would not disappoint readers. He is unique. His works, like my favorite book, are extraordinary.

           I am grateful to this book, because it deepened my mind and sharpened my pen. It did not just inherit me writing-styles, it also pushed me to pursue writing, even though I already had a source of income. It influenced me so much to use my literary pieces in teaching Filipino subject.

           Yes! I am using my works to teach lessons in Filipino 5. It is my own little way of motivating children to be a reader and to be a writer, as well. It has been my advocacy now. I did not want every student to acclaim "Aba, nakakabasa na pala ako!" I wanted them to say "ABKYKoPLngMgSuLt", I do believe that every one could be a superb writer, like Bob Ong, like me. As I always told my pupils, "Every thing that you can think, can be written."

            Now, I'm collecting Bob Ong's books. I am also finishing my second autobiography, a sequel of "Pahilis". I wanted to purchase all of his books. However, my favorite book will always "ABNKKBSNPLAKo". I will never forget the impact it made to my life and to my pupils' hearts.

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