Oh Woops

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Gons POV

I'm glad that is all done and over with. I'm kinda sick of all the crying and depression. Maybe now Killua and I can make some good memories rather than ones where he had almost killed me. yeah...that seems like the better decision here.

while Killua was operating on my wounds he was shaking. I gave him a comforting smile which calmed him down, and he finished a couple minutes later. I stretched and looked at him smiling.

"Thanks Killua that feels a lot better!" I said as I walked out of the restroom followed by Killua.

I looked out my window to see the sun had already begin to set. Geez the day has already begun to end and I haven't really eaten anything today! I ran downstairs on the hunt for food. Aunt Mito was on the sofa knitting something and I ran into the kitchen. I have to ease my hunger... I must!!

I looked in the fridge and of course there is always some type of dessert in it. My eyes sparkled as I seen some chocolate cake unopened in the fridge. I snatched it up and hurried back upstairs where Killua was looking at me in awe.

"Your planning on sharing that...right?" Killua said with his mouth watering.

"U-Uhh... well you see..." I honestly wasn't planning on sharing the cake, I just wanted to shove this whole thing in my mouth and let the flavors take me off to dream land, but I guess I can share. a little.

I sigh and open the container that the cake was in and luckily I had brought a knife and napkins with me, so I cut off about one third of the cake and handed it to Killua with the napkin. He smiles in gratitude and starts to eat it. I decided just to let my face fall into the cake and I heard Killua laugh uncontrollably.

"Gon! why would you do that!" Killua said laughing.

I mumbled in the cake and let my head rise back up, chocolate cake all over my face. I smiled big and licked a little off my face.

"Because I felt like it." I finally answered.

He just rolled his eyes and continued eating the cake I wiped the cake off my face with my hand, and started licking it off my hand. It took a couple minutes then I went to the actual cake. Killua was already done with his and he was waiting for me to finish. I didn't care how long it took me because I practically have all day to eat...Kinda.

By the time I finished Killua was looking out the window. It was snowing. I almost forgot Christmas is coming up soon so I was to start thinking of a present to give Mito-San and Killua.

Well... I can give Mito-San some more knitting material, or maybe I could knit something for her. It's just an Idea... maybe someone else may be able to give me ideas.

Killua is always satisfied with any kind of chocolate, especially those chocolate robots, at least I think that's what they are called. I think about it more later. I walk over to Killua and he is just staring off into the distance. I wonder what he is looking at.

I snap him out of his trance by tapping his shoulder and he he looks at me blinking a couple of times.

"What?..." He said rather sad.

"Is something wrong Killua? You don't sound very happy." I responded giving him a concerned look.

He shook his head slowly.

"Nothing is wrong." He said under his breath.

"Killua... you are not that good at telling a lie." 

"Better than you."

I rolled my eyes and laid my hand upon his shoulder.

"You know, if something is wrong you can always tell me alright?" I said in an innocent tone as I start to walk away.

"wait..." Killua said suddenly.

Bingo, playing the innocent one always works. I turn around to face him.


"I was just thinking about how your Aunt will react when she see's your arms." He said finally.

Seriously... that's what was bothering him this whole time? I thought it was more serious. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. Sure my arms stung a little but I didn't think much of it.

"She is an understanding person Killua... perhaps one of the only understanding people I know. Trust me she won't be mad at you. She will be a little worried, but that's about it. 

I smiled as he finally hugged me back and sighed with relief.

"Alright, if you say so" He said as he let go of me and looked out the window once more.

"I love snow... but I don't like how its soooo cold!" Killua said grabbing his arms and pretending to shiver.

I laughed and grabbed his hand.

"Wanna go play outside?" I offered.

He nodded slowly as e grabbed his coat, gloves, and hat he brought from his home. He had told me he had only brought food, money and chocolate but of course he is smarter to bring more supplies.

I snatched up my coat from the hanger and quickly put it on along with my hat, gloves, and winter boots. 

Killua had boots as well, sometimes I question how he can fit so many things in that little backpack of his.

We both went downstairs and informed Mito-San we were going outside. She nodded and we preceded to the door. When I opened it a gust of wind hit us almost making me fall over. Mito-San laughed as she yelled from the living room.

"Oh I forgot to tell you its windy outside!" I rolled my eyes and yelled "Thanks!" and Killua and I both went outside.

We made snow angels and were making snowballs for a fight. About maybe sevenish minutes later we both had well over fifty snowballs to chuck at each other, as well as a fort to shield ourselves. I was the first to throw and attack, that was the start to our little war. I missed and Killua ducked behind his barrier. He wouldn't come out so I stood up and started to make my way to his fort.

I peered over only to be hit in the face with a snowball. 

"Ow!" I said falling over in the snow. I decided to pretend to be hurt bad so I closed my eyes and groaned in pain. Killua immediately started to regret his decision. As he was trying to make me open my eyes I grabbed some snow from next to me and threw it as his face. He fell back with his eyes widened and confused.

"Hahaha! I can't believe you fell for it!" I said as I stood up and put both of my hands in the air. 

"Victory is mine!" I said just to be tackled by Killua.

"Hahah you sure got me good." Killua said as he pecked my lips quickly.

I smiled and pushed him off of me.

"Wanna go inside? I can make us some hot chocolate" I said as I stood up.

He stood up as well and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah lets go" He smiled and we both went inside to enjoy some hot chocolate.

I'm running out of ideas! Can All of you guys possibly help me out to refresh my mind on some new ideas? I am also trying to make my chapters a bit longer. Thanks for reading! until next time everyone! ^-^

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