So, you forgive me?

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Killua's POV

After the bath Gon and I went into his bedroom and it was actually quite silent. I wouldn't want to complain some silence once in a while is actually pretty relaxing. Gon goes and sits on his bed and looks down. I could tell he was thinking but he also seemed confused, as if he didn't know what he was trying to think about. That's just like him... heh.

A just stood by the door and kept glancing at Gon who couldn't seem to make up his mind. I sighed as I left the room without him saying a word of protest. I know there isn't any good reason for it, but I think i'm going to sleep in the "Guest" room so Gon can have some space. I should probably go apologize to him once more before retiring for the night buuuuuuuuuttttttt....... I'm hungry...

I head down stairs and look around, I don't seem to see Mito anywhere which probably means she went to bed as well. I mean, it is like 9 at night time flies. I make my way towards the kitchen and open the fridge. I move around some food items to see chocolate pudding in the far back. Well, I see the word chocolate so I'm gonna eat it. I grab the pudding and move all the food items back in their place as well as closing the fridge and retrieving a spoon.

I quickly open it and eat it all within 1 minute in a half. Man that was good! I smile happily as  I placed the spoon in the sink and the pudding cup in the trash. I exhaled and went back upstairs and took a peek in Gon's room who was peacefully sleeping, well looks like he forgot to cover himself up... again. I walk into his room quietly and cover him up. I turn around to exit the room before feeling a hand tug at my shirt. I turn back around to see Gon looking up at me with his sleepy brown eyes. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Stay with me, Please." he said rubbing his eye with his free hand. I nod and sit down on the edge of the bed next to him. His gaze narrows and he pulls me back into his arms, causing me to fall back in the bed.

"Silly, when I said stay with me I mean it. You probably won't feel comfortable sleeping sitting up." He giggled softly while he nuzzled my chest. 

"Heh, I guess your right Gon." He is just so cute. I can't resist him... No wonder I've fallen for him.

"I'm glad I met you." I said saying my thoughts out loud.

He giggled once more and hugged me tighter.

"I'm glad I met you too Killua!" He said practically screaming in my ear. It took me a minute to recover my hearing from his yelling. I mean, how does he already have that much energy?!

I ignored it and stroked his spiky hair, It was actually quite soft. I smiled and closed my eyes in comfort before feeling a soft pair of lips make contact with mine. Gon was kissing me, after all the trouble I have caused him. He still wants to kiss me? Why? I open my eyes and end up kissing him back.

After a few minutes of kissing he pulls away and once again stares into my sea blue eyes. I look back into his eyes and just by looking in his eyes he looks calm and relaxed. Whereas I'm sure he can tell i'm rather confused and nervous. Why wouldn't I be I'm not even sure if he ever forgave me for going off on him. I still do realize that was wrong and I should've kept it to myself but I'm just dumb that way.

"I love you Killua." He said to break the silence between us.

"I..I Love you too." I didn't realize I was crying. Why? Their isn't a reason for me to cry right now. Gon seemed to know why I was crying because he wiped away my tears and told me it's okay. He was probably thinking I was still trying to get over the whole name calling things like me being called a monster and murderer.. I will just let him think that.

"Gon.." I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. You didn't do anything wrong, It was me. I'm a terrible person. A terrible person who doesn't deserve anybody as great as you." I meant every word I said and when I looked back up at him he had one of the saddest look on his face.

"That's not true. Your not a terrible person, your one of the most kindest people I have ever met. And yes, what you said hurt me, but l can get over stuff like that. I can't get over when my best friend A.K.A lover tries to kill them self and denies everything."

Riiiiiiigghhhhhttt... I did try to kill myself way back when. Didn't I. Oops. I continue looking into Gon's eyes which were now getting glassy from trying not to cry himself. I feel so bad. It's my fault Gon feels like this. If only I would've controlled my stupid emotions he would still be the same over excited Gon I met at the Hunter exam.

"I'm sorry, It won't happen again." I say as I pull Gon into a tight hug. He hugged back and I could hear him sobbing quietly with his head laying on my shoulder. I don't blame him fro crying, I am a total idiot. Messing with his emotions like that. i will try to do my best to be the best boyfriend I can for him. A boyfriend isn't supposed to make there lover worry whether they will come home alive or not.

"I really am sorry Gon I will do my best to make it u-" I was cut off by Gon kissing me once more. I kissed back and after the kiss Gon had seemed to calm down.

"So, you forgive me?" I ask as Gon cuddles close to me in the bed.

'Mhm.. I forgive you... Just don't do anything stupid from now..on.." Gon answered as he drifted into slumber.

"Good, and I won't." I said as I closed my eyes and we both fell asleep satisfied with our answers.

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