Oh Now I get it!

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Killua's POV

"Hey, long time no see you two." They said in unison. 

I recognized the voices.. I turned to see who they were and it was none other than Kurapika and Leorio. Man Kurapika looks a little different. He grew a little bit and let his hair grow out to his shoulders, It looked good... I guess , but I'm not one to judge.

"Oh It's Kurapika and Reolio" I said jokingly.

He sighed and yelled in offense

"I told you Its Leorio! Le-or-i-o!!" 

Everyone laughed and I smiled as I stuck out my tongue 

I look over at Gon who had already stood up and gave them a big hug.

"Hey! How have you two been? What have you guys been up to?" Gon said with a huge smile on his face.

"Well... Kurapika" started.

"After we all did what we had to n'stuff.. I don't want to go into detail but Leorio and I met up and talk about things. Of course one thing led to another and now.. well.."

Gon and I watched as Kurapika took Leorio's hand and Gon and I both looked at each other, both knowing where this was going

"So as you see, Leorio and I are well..." They both held up there hand to reveal a ring.

"Engaged??" Gon and I said in unicin.

Kurapika nodded and smiled. Gon and I knew this was coming but we didn't think it would be so soon. 

We all sat down and talked about what we all have been up to while we were split. Then Gon decided to tell them about...us..

"Yeah! And Killua and I are boyfriends now!" Gon said clearly not afraid of what he had just said.

I sunk into my seat, embarrassed of what he had said. I cover my face with my hands which confuses Gon.

"Hmm? Whats the matter Killua? Why are you covering your face?" 

Leorio and Kurapika both laughed in realization. They knew EXACTLY why I was doing what I was at the moment.  Kurapika leaned over to Gon and whispered to him why and his face brightened in understanding.

"Oh! now I get it! Killua gets embarrassed over every little thing I say! That makes sense now." 

I sigh and calm down a bit after Kurapika and Leorio talk about how they became to be. And geez it was an incredibly long story, but I managed. 

When I thought I was calm they both leaned in and kisses each other. Gyah! Avert my eyes! No more embarrassing stuff! Just then Gon poked my shoulder, and when I looked up at him he whined at me.

"Killuaaaaaaaaaa I want a kiss too! They kissed so now I want oneeeee" He said whining.

I blushed and sighed, leaning in and gave his a peck on the lips and he smiled happily

"Yaaaaay! I love you Killuaaaaa" He said cheerful

"B-Baka! Not so loud......I love you too" I mumbled the last part, embarrassed as hell.

We all got something to eat before leaving. We all went to Gon's house only because...well I'm sure you can guess why. 

We all went inside and discussed memories that we shared in the past and just chatted and laughed. 

Went Mito-San came home she was surprised to see two more people in the house, but it didn't bother her at all. She just went and started doing work around the house after greeting both Leorio and Kurapika. I don't know when and who decided this, but apparently they are spending the night in the spare room across the hall from Gon's room.

I mean, it didn't bother me. I just wish I would've known sooner, ya know?

I look at the clock and it's already almost 10pm. Man, time sure does fly.

I look over at Gon who's yawning which made me smirk.

"Already tired, are you?" I say smiling. He looks over at me and shakes his head.

"Nope! Um.. Just taking a deep breath" He responded laughing awkward.

Like...What the hell!? Is that honestly the best he could think of? Oh well..That's Gon for you.

I sigh and pat him on the back.

"if your tired, just go to sleep. I'll be up in a bit okay?" I said softly to Gon. He smiles and hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Okay...I guess I'll go to sleep then. Kurapika and Leorio already know where there sleeping so you don't need to tell them." He smiles and tells everyone goodnight before heading upstairs in his room.

I sigh softly and check my phone, looking through my notifications and see a message form "Unknown"

" We know your location, either you leave now, or we kill your spiky-haired friend."

I freeze and look at the unknown messenger seeing that they are near where I live.

"That bastard..." I mumble as I delete the message, not worrying about it.

"Like hell you know where I am....Aniki...You probably have Hisoka with you too then.." I mumble once more and put my phone away. I look in the living room to see the only person in there was Mito-San. Probably indicating that Kurapika and Leorio went to sleep.

I asked Mito-San if she needed any help. She shook her head no and I nodded, and left the living room and got a quick snack before heading upstairs myself.

I cautiously opened the door to Gon's room and when I peer inside, I already see Gon passed out on the bed. I smile warmly and walk in, closing the door gently behind me. I walk over to my backpack and change into some more comfortable clothes to wear to bed. I place my cellphone on the nightstand on my side of the bed and crawl into bed.

Gon forgot to cover himself up..again. It seems every time he goes to bed before me he just sleeps as soon as he steps foot in his room. He even forgot to take off his shoes. I smile and takes his shoes off his feet and cover him up. I kiss his cheek before laying my head on my pillow. I think about the text message I received just not to long ago.

" We know your location, either you leave now, or we kill your spiky-haired friend."  

I don't know if I should be concerned or not... But the thought slowly left my mind as I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

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