Chapter Fifteen: Escape

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Hours passed. Priscilla could hear the dwarves in the cells around her murmuring quietly to each other. She sat against the wall still, watching Kili. At times, he would stir restlessly, mumbling in his sleep, brow furrowing in the midst of a bad dream. He never woke, though. She was worried. The color had drained from his face. 

Every so often a solemn elf would stalk past, guarding the cells of any lewd attempts to escape. It had been a while since the last passing, and Priscilla could hear soft footsteps approaching. She stood and went to the bars, and as the guard passed she called out. He ignored her and continued walking.

"Wait, please!" she called again. He paused and turned impatiently. She paused, then cleared her throat and continued. "My friend. He's sick. He needs help." She received no response, though the elf did peer inside the cell to look. She cleared her throat again. "He fell into the river in the forest. You must know of some remedy. Please." 

He glanced down at her, then turned swiftly and walked away. She called out again but he didn't return. She sighed and sat down again, feeling defeated. She didn't know what to do. And what would she do even if Kili did wake? He wouldn't remember her. Was there any point in trying? She shook her head at the thought. Of course there was a point in trying. 

A small bag suddenly landed next to her on the floor. It was followed by a small goatskin of what she guessed was water. She looked up to see the same guard walking along his route as if nothing had happened. He hadn't said anything. She grabbed the bag and felt inside carefully. It was full of herbs. She took some out to smell it, but didn't recognize the pungent scent. She hesitated. How did she know he wasn't just trying to harm Kili? What did this elf owe her? This herb could be anything. And yet... 

Kili stirred uncomfortably again. Priscilla took a deep breath and reached for the pouch. It was warm. Some kind of tea, then? She poured some of the herbs into the skin and let it steep for a few minutes. It was crude, but there was nothing else to do. Her heart sped up, nervousness taking over. This could save Kili or kill him, and she had no idea. 

She took a deep breath and took a drink herself. It tasted terrible. She fought to keep it in her mouth despite the taste, and swallowed, then coughed. She waited. Nothing happened... and then she felt a rush of heat and adrenaline through her limbs that subsided after a few seconds. She felt normal after, though she was still doubtful. What if it took hours to kill? She didn't really have a choice, in the end. Maybe Thorin would finally leave her alone, whether it was out of gratitude for helping Kili, or because she was dead. 

"Here goes nothing." She mumbled, held her breath, then took Kili's head in her lap so she could pour some of the draught into his mouth. He coughed a few times but drank a little, and settled back again. His breathing grew deeper, and she watched the color return to his face as she let out a breath of relief. She gave him a little more and then capped the skin, watching attentively. He coughed again, taking in a deep breath. 

"Durin's beard, what is that retched--" he started to ask, but froze halfway through his sentence. His eyes opened barely, and he looked up at her with a look of sheer confusion and unrecognition. She felt the same icy chill through her veins as when she realized he had fallen in the water, but suppressed it and moved back a little as he stood up abruptly and looked around. A dozen questions flew through his mind, but she couldn't say anything. Her heart ached. He turned back to her. "Who are you? What is this place?" 

Priscilla couldn't answer. She just looked at him. Their staring match was broken by the sound of the iron door unlocking and opening. Thorin was shoved roughly into the cell, and the gate was slammed shut again. He stood crossly, saw Priscilla, the waterskin, and Kili awake, and then looked at her again with a softer look. She let out another big breath. 

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