Chapter 34: Party gone Wrong

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"Thats my boyfriend, but dont tell your mom, I told her that he was just a friend." 

"Damn girl. he's fine... I'm going to get my stuff and take it to my room, I'll be right back."  I couldn't help but smile she was about to see the big ass smart T.V. that we hooked up in her room. She grabbed her stuff from the front door and started walking to her room, when we opened the door she put her stuff down on her bed and looked up, It took her a second to actually think about what she saw but when she did she ran out of her room and hugged me saying. 

"Thank you, Why Angel?" 

"Because, I wanted to" I said running away from her knowing that she would chase behind me. 

"Anthony Help!" I yelled. I ran into him and he picked me up and started walking, when i figured out what he was doing I started squirming trying to get out of his grip. When we got up to Sable, she puched me in my arm and walked away. I went into Sable's room to show her how to use her new T.V. When she figured out how to use it we left the room to an empty party, not even her parents were there. 

"Anthony, where's Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz?" I asked him.  

"Well I gave them some money and told them that they should go get a hotel and have fun." he answered. 

"And they listened." Sable said. 

"Yeah, Its part of what I am." he said not lying to her but not telling the full truth.

"Alright, who wants to go in the woods?" Sable asked. We used to go in the woods all the time and around christmas time we found and stole a christmas tree and took it out into the woods with us. We had so much fun in the woods running around, making sure not to fall in the large holes in the ground and dodging Spiders and their webs. 

"Lets do it." I said and then looking at Anthony. 

"Sure sounds fun." He said grabbing a twelve pack of beer putting it in a little bag since we lived near a police. After being in the woods for an hour drinking and stuff, none of us felt dizzy or anything in fact we felt somewhat sober. Then we heard something move, we all thought that it was a bird or something so we shewed it off and started talking about life in Europe or how being in Georgia was like. I was laughing because Sable reminded me off the time when i accidentally falshed her parents, but the laughing stopped when i saw Sable breathing like a crazy person and Anthony looking at something behind me and said 

"Angel, don't move." I thought they were messing with me so i turned around to see a snout in my face, along with long fangs and fur. 

"Joe, What are you doing here?" I said thinking that it was Joe.

"Angel, Thats not Joe" Anthony said calmly. 

"Then who is it?" I said back to him.

"Its Johnathon." My first reaction to the situation was to breathe. 

"Get Sable home, its ok I'll be back, just go!" I said yelling the last part because i wanted them to be safe. I quickly grabbed a stick and my pocket knife and cut the stick making it sharp. I looked abck behind me and Johnathon plunged himself at me. I put the stick out in front of me and i reaelized that i was back in Sables house with a stick in my hand and my eyes shut. 

"What was that!" Sable asked. 

"Sable, I'm a hybrid and so was that thing out their." Anthony said. 

"What did it want with Angel?" Sable asked.

"We dont know." Anthony said.  Sable came up to me and hugged me

"he could've hurt you."She said with a shaky voice and tears in her eyes.

"Its ok, i had a sharp stick." I said trying to calm down the situation. She laughed but started to cry again.  

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