"Are you okay?"

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Vera's POV:
I blinked multiple times only to see that this was not a dream. I froze, I felt my cheeks warm up hoping that I wasn't blushing too hard. Nestor stood two feet away from me, I was pressing myself against the wall. I watched as his expression didn't change- it didn't help that he was incredibly distracting as he watched me nervously wring my hands.

"You need to stay away from Shelby and truthfully every guy in this school Vera. Most guys here will just want in your pants." He sighed looking back at me directly in my eyes.

Suddenly my blood began to boil, okay.. so he decides to care now? Does he seriously think this is okay after he's made the last several years for me so hard. Thoughts raced through my mind as I told myself that it was anger making my heart race like this.

"So you're telling me that there's not one respectable boy in this school who doesn't just want a girl for sex? Or maybe you're trying to say that's all I'd be good for? Do I really have no personality, Nestor?"

"I didn't say that. I'm just telling you that they're all the same in this school."

"How the fuck would you know about every single guy that goes here?"

"You trust people too easy Vera, I've seen it before- I just haven't said anything because I know what you're like." He snapped, interrupting me. "A guy would just have to tell you he loved you and he wouldn't be waiting on you much longer, you've been through a lot."

I glared. "Do you really think I'm that easy?"

Nestor glared right back at me as he stepped back, "Damn it, can't you just listen to me? I'm trying to look out for you here!"

"I don't need looking out for!" I shouted back at him, "It's like all of sudden you care after all this time. For the first time you've said a few kind words to me and now it's come to this.. why do you always have to make everything so complicated."  Usually I wouldn't have dared say those things but he was really, really making me angry. I screamed in frustration, "Just stay out of my life!"

"You'll end up getting hurt."

"I won't. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself."  I went to barge past him to escape out into the corridor but Nestor grabbed my arm.

"Hey! We're not finished here, Vera!"

I spun around and pushed at his chest as hard as I could even though it didn't budge him.

"Whoa!" Yelled a new voice- Sarah.

Me and Nestor both looked to see her standing in the doorway, "Why are you both trying to kill each other? What did I miss" She asked.

Neither Nestor nor I responded; we were still glaring at each other.

"Nothing." Nestor said eventually as he slowly left the room as if nothing had just happened.

Nestor was just so... so infuriating! Sure, he was incredibly attractive especially with his hair falling into his eyes. But hell, why did he have to interfere at that moment? There would definitely be nothing between us, I guess Nestor just had a strange effect on me, he was totally indifferent. I shook my myself mentally.

"Earth to Vera?" 

I was brought back to reality as Sarah's hand waved in front of my face.

"What just went down between you two?" She asked.

I let out a sigh knowing that I couldn't get out of this, "I yelled at him for trying to make out as if I couldn't handle things on my own in connection to boys and he yelled at me, trying to say that he was looking out for me. I yelled at him some more. Then you walked in."

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