Everything is going to be okay..

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Vera's POV:

"I was worried to hear that he'd be after you. But even though they don't think he is, I still want you to be safe with me, Vera."

I bit down onto my lip. My heart skipped a beat as I smoothed down the fabric of my clothes to try and contain my emotions. Fear overpowered my body. The more I spent time with Nestor the more I thought less about Sam. "Hopefully he'd have fled to another country- rather than staying here."

Nestor shrugged. "For some reason I doubt that."

I took a deep breath. "I just want all of this to be over.."

"Me too Vera, me too."

In this moment I don't know what overcame me. I just felt the need to say something about what I had found out earlier from Olivia.

"Sam has fucked me over."

"Like I care." Nestor rolled his eyes as he turned away to walk down the corridor.

Okay then? I followed after him. "Hey. You can't just walk away.. are you okay?" Why is it that whenever I mentioned Sam in a conversation he changed. I needed to find out why Nestor hated him so much, something must have happened between them. I'd always been curious.

"Mind your damn business."

"Don't talk to me like that." I murmured. "What's up with you?"

"Back off."

"What the hell is wrong with you? We were cool."

"You're a burden and I hate burdens."

"Right. So you hate me?"

"No. I just find you incredibly annoying sometimes."

"Great to know."

"Get over it."

"Oh.. I will!" I shouted with rage.

I span my body around and walked the opposite direction. I went to find Sarah.

– end of the school day –
I'd left the school building. I stormed home. I couldn't stop thinking about Nestor. What an idiot. Who does he think he is? Why does he play with my feelings so much? One minute we seem okay but the next it's as if he we are back to square one. Maybe this was all my fault for mentioning Sam but for some reason I felt the urge to say his name. As I walked up to the house I decided to enter through the back door so I could take a look at the garden. I could feel the paranoia taking over me as I walked through the only area that usually provides me with personal comfort and seclusion. Now I just felt the creep looking at me behind every bush and tree. But I stopped myself. I knew that I had to be brave. Even if Nestor annoyed me I had to protect him, I was oddly enough ready to take on the creep- no matter what it takes I just want Nestor to be okay after all of this. I felt like I kind of owed him this since he was willing to do the same for me. To top all the chaos off I'm heading inside to meet Sam, who I had a lot of questions to ask based on what I heard earlier today.

I entered the kitchen from the back only to see Sam and a girl, together- laughing. She was perhaps the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. To say I felt insecure was an understatement. Her hair was a lovely whisky, the colour of fallen leaves browned and sleek with the first rain of autumn. As I looked at her hair I noticed the way the light catches on it and it shimmers as it flows with her every move. Her face was demanding of attention, her cheekbones called my eyes to the statuesque bone structure underlying its gentleness. She had been graced with that look that could be of royalty. I watched as the girl left the kitchen and went out the front door. I gulped hard. Sam obviously had noticed me standing by the back door.

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