The aftermath..

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Vera's POV:
Nestor gave me a reprimanding look as I looked at him angrily, "you're such a party pooper! I was having fun!"

"You were about to strip off" he argued. "Just take a break for twenty minutes."

"No!" I cried, pouting. "Don't be such a downer. I wanted to go skinny dipping!"

He shook his head at me, smirking. "Tempting as that is, I think you're better off staying here for a little bit- at least till you're more sober."

I sighed, sinking back down into the car seat. "Are you going to leave me all on my own?"

"No I don't trust you to stay in the car."

"You don't trust me? Why not? I've been living under the same roof as you for years. You've known me since forever! You should trust me more."

Nestor was shaking his head as he stared straight into my eyes from the drivers seat. I raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you drunk?" I asked him.

"Not really."

"Aw, why? It's your best mate's party. Go crazy!"

"I think you were being crazy enough for the both of us."

"I'm sorry" I said, pouting a little. "I didn't mean to spoil your fun."

Nestor laughed at me. I clambered to the edge of the seat- right in front of him, so close that our noses were almost touching.

"Man, your breath stinks. How much vodka did you have, Vera?"

"I don't know. Dixon poured it." I mumbled.

"Those guys... I swear..." he sighed, clenching his fists.



"Fine, don't tell me then." I shot back up straight and staggered back as the whole space inside the car pitched around me all so suddenly, turning gray and fuzzy around the edges.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

Nestor had already opened the door of the car, pushing me over in time for me to puke my guts up outside. Once that was over and I was done dry-heaving, I laid out across the two car seats at the back. Nestor had rushed inside the house to grab me a glass of water and before I could realise, a glass of cold water was pushed against my lips, and he made me drink it up.

"I'm really, really sorry, Nestor." I whimpered. I felt all gross now after throwing up.

"Calm down."

I scowled, and punched him on the chest. Wow. That is one solid chest. I bet he has a six pack too. Maybe even an eight pack, knowing Nestor. Or a ten pack! Is there even such a thing? Possibly... if there was, Nestor would have one.

And that was all I could remember of that night everything else became, a blur.

– the next day –
Sunlight was trying to filter through the pink drapes, but it was weak early morning sunshine so the glow turned the room dark. I closed my eyes again, snuggling my head down into the pillow under my head. There was a disgusting taste in my mouth to match my pounding headache. What the hell happened last night? And how did I end up home. I slowly sat up and soon climbed out of the bed carefully. I strained my memory but it came up short, I vaguely recalled dancing on the pool table. Had I really had that much to drink? I must have thrown up. I remembered someone holding my hair back for me. It must of been Sarah; she would've taken care of me.

I tiptoed over to the door knowing that nobody would be awake yet, I poked my head out only to see that nobody was around, sighing with relief I went back to the bed, my head pounding so hard I didn't think I could stay on my feet much longer. I looked at the alarm clock. It was only half eight in the morning. In the hopes of sleeping off my hangover, I snuggled back under the covers. Just as I was about to drift into unconsciousness again, the door opened slowly, making the hinges creak. My eyes flashed back open immediately meeting with Nestor's. He was standing in my doorway wearing nothing but a towel around his hips, hung right down low, and his chest and abs were still streaked with droplets of water, his black hair dripping. My eyebrows shot up. Six pack. Who'd have thought it? I couldn't help but blush at how he made my heart race just by looking at me. What was he doing to my head.

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