I'd never hurt you..

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– A/N –
Hello darlings, thank you so much for taking your time to read this story! Just letting you all know that I will not be posting another chapter for at least 2 weeks, unless I am able to find some time to write, but, if not then here's an extra long chapter, thank you. Xo Liv

– two weeks later –
Vera's POV:

I hated getting out of bed. I just wished that I could just lay in bed all day to sleep. I finally managed to drag myself up, I grabbed a pair of black jeans out of the closet and then threw on a cropped jumper. I sorted out my messy hair by tying it up in a bun, pulling out two loose strands of hair from the front to finish off the look. I grimaced at myself.

The past two weeks went by before I could blink. If I wasn't hanging out with Sarah, then I was sneaking around with Nestor. We went to a movie, and there were a few chances- if everybody was out that we got to spend the day together indoors. I think both of us were surprised to find out that we could actually hang out and not just make out. After the movie, we'd sat in his car for at least half an hour just talking. We'd play video games or just sit and watch TV at times and it was... well, it was nice. Not that we still didn't argue or disagree over almost everything, even over what to watch on the TV. I still wasn't over the thrill that came with sneaking around though. But I hated the guilt that came with it- lying to Claire, Sam and Sarah along with everyone else... I knew they'd all disapprove, they disliked Nestor and he knew this. I still myself didn't understand how in the past two weeks we'd become so close.

I have distanced myself from Sam personally, but he still pleads to be with me- which has left me wondering if something had happened between him and Elena after all. I still dreaded to think that I'd eventually have to talk to her one day. But the problem was that I no longer thought about Sam, yes he was sweet- but Nestor spiralled up something within me that I didn't know I had in me. I can't explain it, he just has something over me.

On a humid Sunday night I was sat on a workbench out in the garage, and Nestor was tinkering with the two wheeled death-trap he called a bike. The door was cracked open a little, but not so that anyone could see us.

"I cannot believe." I said, "That you think the second transformers film was better. Nothing beats the first one, I swear."

"Come on- those twin cars? They were hilarious."

I scoffed. "But the first one was just... epic!"

"The second one's better, Vera, I'm telling you. Hey pass me that wrench a second?"

"Where is it?" I stood up, looking around.

I didn't speak mechanic, but I did at least know what a wrench was. I may not have had a clue what Nestor was doing but he looked hot doing it.

"It's on the shelf above your head."

I clambered up onto the workbench I'd been sat on, my fingers gripping the shelf, looking for a wrench. I scrunched up my nose at the cobwebs I saw there, hoping there weren't any gross spiders lurking right by head.

"Um..." I spotted it then, and picked it up.

As I turned to step down, I bumped my head on the shelf.

"Ouch!" I yelped automatically, dropping the wrench to clutch my head.

Reacting like that threw me off balance, and my foot slipped off the bench. With a thud and another yelp, I crashed onto the floor. Dazed, I blinked a few times, clearing the bright spots from my vision until the room came back into focus. A wave of pain hit me.

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